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Hello! I’m Anjali. I’m a board certified health coach, author, wife, mom and food lover from the SF Bay area (now living in Seattle, WA!); with a passion for delicious food and a desire to make healthy eating easy, tasty and fun! Learn more about me here and stay for a while!

Anjali Shah



Soups / Salads / Sides / Snacks


Indian / Middle Eastern Entrees

Italian Entrees (Pastas, Pizzas)

Mexican / Spanish Inspired Entrees

Asian/Thai Inspired Entrees


71 responses to “Recipes”

  1. I want to try the loaded sweet potato, it looks yummy. I am trying to find dishes my 2 year old grandson would eat. He loves fruit and my pickled beets. I canned some for him because I know what is in it. I like to make my own things because I know what I put in it. Thank you for your site I added it to my favorites.

    • I’m totally with you Elly! I like making my own stuff too because then you can control all of the ingredients! It’s so great to meet you – and I’m glad you’re enjoying my blog! 🙂

  2. Hi, Great site and GREAT recipes! Please add me to your newsletter and email list!
    Thank you for sharing your great recipes!

    • Awww thank you so much Renee! I just added you to my newsletter! To subscribe via email, just click here and enter in your email address (and then be sure to click the confirmation link that you receive via email). Thanks again – hope that helps!

    • Thanks Logan!! I have just added you to my email subscription list and my newsletter. Just be sure to click the confirmation email from Feedburner in your inbox for your subscription to be complete! Thanks again!

    • Thanks Prathiba! I just set you up with an email subscription to my blog and newsletter — just make sure you accept the confirmation from FeedBurner that appears in your email inbox! Thanks!

  3. Wow great recipes! I’ve just started my blog about healthy llifestyle and its not easy but You are an inspiration!

    Sohaila 🙂

    • Aw thank you so much Sohalia!! You are so sweet 🙂 I’m glad my blog is inspiring for you! Good luck with your blog as well!

  4. Hi Anjali!!! I just stumbled across your site and I am already COMPLETELY in love with it. It’s really creative and you have so many great ideas. Thanks for providing all these awesome recipes for vegetarians 🙂

    • Awww thank you so much for your kind words Elizabeth!! I’m so happy you are enjoying my recipes and my blog – and it’s always great to meet a fellow vegetarian! 🙂 Thanks again!

  5. Hi Anjali..I had googled for the ‘healthy food blogs’ and ended up here and happy to see your Indian name.But I feel a bit disappointment when I go through the recipes. Your recipes are indeed healthy but I can’t find lot many Indian(my tastebuds are more inclined to Indian food). I really love your articles and philosophy. You have got a wonderful blog.

  6. I would like to subscribe to your blog – could you please add my email to your subscriber list?

    • Hi Regi! No problem at all! I just added you to my email list and to my monthly newsletter 🙂 Be sure to accept the Feedburner Email Subscription confirmation in your inbox and you should be all set! Thanks!!

  7. I stumbled onto your blog while searching for healthy eating for picky eaters, and I must say that you have some very creative ideas! I am dissappointed that it’s entirely vegetarian, however. I’m afraid it may be difficult for me to find sites with healthy recipes which include meat because of the misconceptions many people have of meat or the cultural differences. I will be trying some of your recipes, and I especially look forward to experimenting with some of the spices I am unfamiliar with. The Indian spiced oatmeal has me very intrigued! Keep up the good work!

    • Hi Brittany! Thank you so much for reaching out! So you are right, all of my recipes are vegetarian, however – you can absolutely add meat into almost any recipe and it would work well! E.g. in my Mexican recipes you could sub fish in the tacos or chicken and it would taste great 🙂 I’m not against eating meat by any means, it can absolutely be a healthy alternative (especially lean meats and fish!), I personally just made a choice not to cook it at home. I hope that helps, and you’ll have to let me know how you like the Indian Spiced Oatmeal and any other recipes you try! Happy cooking!

  8. My question is.. We are on a budget and watch Biggest Loser every week! My Husband and I both really need to loose weight and want to start getting food in the house that is healthy. I have looked online to find a grocery list of the things we really need to get( I would like to get your cookbooks when I can) the only ones I have seen are pages long . What would your grocery list be of things we would need to get started and also as we progress with more recipies? I noticed for instance a lot of recipies call for Greek Yogurt. I need a detailed list. Thankyou for any help you can give me!!!

    • Hi Mary! Congrats to you and your husband for making the effort to eat healthy! That is the first step 🙂 For a detailed groceries list that you can download, along with 21 healthy meals (that go with the groceries list) – this post is for you:

      If you’d like, I can also work with you to customize a healthy eating meal plan and groceries list that is personalized for you and your husband’s taste, preferences and food choices. Let me know if you’re interested and I can send you more information via email! Good luck and keep me posted on how things go!

  9. Hey, Anjali!
    I’m a college student who is also a runner and its very important for me to eat healthy food that also tastes great and gives me energy and I have to say, that I’m loving your recipes. I can’t wait to try the Indian spiced spaghetti squash recipe. Thank you so much!!

    • Hi Mauri! Thank you so much for your kind words!! I’m so glad you’re enjoying my recipes 🙂 Keep me posted on how the spaghetti squash recipe turns out – I can’t wait for you to try it!!

    • Hi Yvonne! I just added you to my email newsletter list and my list for new posts. Just be sure to accept the confirmation from Feedburner Email Subscriptions that appeared in your inbox! Thanks! 🙂

  10. Anjali,

    I am a vegetarian college student and finding your site has been a life saver! So many great recipes! Can you please add me onto your email list? Thanks!!


    • Hi Kelsey! Thank you so much for your kind words!! I’m so glad my site has been helpful for you 🙂 I just added you to my newsletter list as well as my blog’s email list – so be sure to click the subscription confirmation when you see it in your inbox! Thanks again, happy healthy cooking!

    • Thank you so much Sonia! I just added you as an email subscriber for my blog – but you’ll have to go into your email to click the link from “FeedBurner Email Subscriptions” to activate it. Thanks again!!

  11. Hi!

    I was wondering if you had a recipe for healthy muffins? I would love if you shared one. My husband’s favourite is Banana Chocolate Chip, do you have a recipe for this kind? Thanks! -Amanda

    • Hi Amanda! I do — this is my favorite Healthy Muffin Recipe, and this is a recipe for Healthy Banana Bread which – if you added a few chocolate chips to it and put it in muffin tins – would probably be perfect for your husband! Let me know if you end up trying these recipes and how they turn out for you! 🙂

    • Thanks so much Susan! 🙂 I just added you to my email list via FeedBurner. You just have to verify your email by clicking on the link that should be in your inbox now. Thanks again, looking forward to connecting with you more through my blog!

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