Work With Me

The Premier Voice Individuals And Parents Respect And Companies Trust
“As a busy mom of two, Anjali Shah knows how important it is to make healthy food easy and delicious. With her valuable guidance, your child will begin a journey to becoming a natural foodie with a lifelong love for nourishing themselves with real food.”
—Dr. Mark Hyman, Medical Director at Cleveland Clinic’s Center for Functional Medicine, Founder of The UltraWellness Center, and author of “Food: What the Heck Should I Eat?”
“Five years ago, I hated cooking. Today, I love it, and there is only one reason for this drastic change: Anjali Shah’s advice and help. I never felt comfortable cooking, however I realized after the birth of my daughter that if I didn’t shape up, we’d eat out too much on nights when my wife worked late. Anjali’s blog literally has fed our family ever since. The recipes are delicious, innovative and healthy. Anjali’s detail oriented and accessible advice has helped ease me into the kitchen and even turned the “chore” of cooking into an enjoyable daily experience. At times, this novice cook feels like a chef and it’s all due to Anjali’s help.”
—Nirav Shah, MD, Anesthesiologist
“After struggling with emotional eating for a few years, working with Anjali really put me on the right track. I had too many notions in my mind regarding how I should eat, what should I eat, etc. I made it too complicated. Anjali explained it to me in such a manner that it not only made a lot of sense but also felt intuitive. I am now a smaller version of myself and more importantly a more calm and confident version as well.”
—Renee, Mom of 2
About Anjali Shah
Anjali Shah is a food writer, published author, board certified health coach, nutritionist, mom of two, and an advocate for healthy, clean eating for individuals and families.
As a motivational speaker and brand ambassador, Anjali helps individuals and families to make healthy choices and cook at home to promote overall wellness.
After becoming a mom, Anjali expanded her programs to include strategies and techniques to combat picky eating in kids of all ages. Anjali started The Picky Eater in 2011 to make healthy food accessible, tasty, easy to make at home, and picky-eater proof. Learn more about Anjali here.
Anjali Shah In The Media
Anjali is regularly invited to share her simple solutions for health and wellness in the national media.
She has appeared on the OWN network, on, CNN, Food Network, Costco Magazine, Whole Foods, Macy’s and at Kaiser Permanente, and has conducted numerous podcast and radio interviews. Anjali comments as a parent and nutrition expert on developing news stories and health food trends.
Examples Of Previous Speaking Engagements
Anjali is an in-demand speaker who offers keynote addresses and workshops for parents, educators, Fortune 500 corporations, and clinicians, and has presented to large groups nationwide.
Her programs are focused on providing practical and immediately useable strategies. Renowned for her warm and accessible speaking style, Anjali delivers solid content with cutting edge insight that provides a roadmap for families or individuals who want to get healthier and cook more at home, advice for corporations to improve the health and well being of their employees, and guidance for parents who need help dealing with picky eaters.

Sample Topics And Presentations
Presentations range from sixty-minutes keynotes to thirty-minute, full day or weeklong workshops and trainings. Popular topics include:
- Intuitive and Mindful Eating
- Quick, Healthy Meals and Snacks for Busy Professionals
- Transforming your health without dieting
- How to Get Rid of Sugar Cravings
- The Truth About What’s Really In Your Food
- How to deal with picky eating in kids
- How to get kids involved in the kitchen
- How Eating Real Food Can Save You Money & Your Health
- Nutrition Hot Topics
- General Nutrition Q&A
Anjali’s sessions are always customized to fit your audience’s needs, and are guaranteed to change the way you think about health and wellness overall.
Anjali Shah’s Brand Partnerships
Anjali is frequently invited to represent health food oriented products and services. Anjali has worked with and represented numerous large brands including Stonyfield Farms, Quaker, prAna, Cucina Antica, Jamba Juice, Ella’s Kitchen, Nasoya, All Clad, OXO, Theo, The Good Bean, Rise Bar, KIND Bar, LaraBar, among others.
Anjali’s ability to integrate down-to-earth advice and knowledge about health with a company’s brand initiatives and goals make her a unique spokesperson.
When partnering with brands, Anjali writes sponsored blog posts, columns on the topics of health, wellness and parenting, is able to create customized video content (to be posted on YouTube and Instagram), offers whitelisting, and conducts online group chats and programs.
Anjali’s blog is viewed daily by thousands of readers. She is an expert at getting the message out and instantly connects with her audience. Her knowledge and sound advice comes from a background in nutrition and a certification in health coaching, working 1:1 with individuals and families on a daily basis, gathering feedback from readers of her blog, transforming her picky-eater husband’s eating habits, and mothering two children.
Her experience combined with a straight forward, warm, and engaging manner make her ideal for any brand who wants to make a difference, is in the health, wellness, or parenting space, and desires a spokesperson who can deliver their vision to a large audience with impact.
What To Expect
For Speaking Engagements
- A personal consultation before your event. This is to fully understand how we can best work together.
- A professional, customized presentation with relevant remarks and information tailored to your audience to achieve the desired outcome.
- Dedicated time for Q&A after the workshop or presentation is over.
- An announcement about the event on social media as desired.
For Brand Partnerships
- A 1:1 consultation to figure out what format would best support your brand’s goals and key messaging for the sponsored content
- A detailed statement of work that outlines key deliverables and timeline
- Social media posts, email blasts, blog posts, and any other content outlined in your package
- Once the content is live, an analysis of performance including engagement, clicks, and conversions
To contact Anjali regarding working with your brand, please use our contact form.