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Hello! I’m Anjali. I’m a board certified health coach, author, wife, mom and food lover from the SF Bay area (now living in Seattle, WA!); with a passion for delicious food and a desire to make healthy eating easy, tasty and fun! Learn more about me here and stay for a while!

Anjali Shah



Soups / Salads / Sides / Snacks


Indian / Middle Eastern Entrees

Italian Entrees (Pastas, Pizzas)

Mexican / Spanish Inspired Entrees

Asian/Thai Inspired Entrees


71 responses to “Recipes”

  1. Some realy nice recipes you have! I am inspired!
    Is it possible to get the recipe of the pinguin pops?

    • Thanks so much Bente! For the Penguin Pops — those were actually made by Whole Foods and delivered to our house – I didn’t make them! Essentially, they were just vanilla cake pops with a fondant icing around it in the shape of a penguin 🙂 So you could use any vanilla cake pop recipe, and then just use fondant to make the outside look like a penguin! Hope that helps!

  2. I LOVE that you have recipes for meals inspired by different countries. I love Asian dishes and my husband loves Mexican dishes. If you could add me to your email list I’d greatly appreciate it as I will be making many of the dishes you’ve posted, they all sound super delicious!!!!

    • Thanks Emerald! I just added you to my email list so be sure to accept the confirmation from Feedburner when it arrives in your email! I can’t wait to hear how my dishes turn out for you – I hope you love these recipes!

  3. Your site is absolutely delicious! Times of India featured your dark chocolate vegan and gluten-free pudding and I had to stop over! I will be using many of these recipes over the next few months.

    I have a question – Many of your recipes call for ingredients that are not easily available in India. Cooking spray for example. Do you have any healthy substitutes for the some of them?

    • Thank you so much Prajakta! Regarding the ingredients that aren’t available in India – since I’m based in the US I actually don’t know what is and isn’t available in India. But if you want to email me a list of ingredients you have questions about I can let you know if I have ideas about substitutions. Regarding the cooking spray – you can make your own by mixing 1 part olive oil (or your choice of oil) + 5 parts water into a misting spray bottle. Hope that helps! I can’t wait to hear how you like my recipes!

  4. hi! I am a diabetic, my man & uncle who lives with us are old school meat & potatos guys, can you help me find easy recipes that are healthy & we all would eat? Please add me to your e-mail list. Thanx

    • Hi Katt! Thanks for reaching out to me! To be honest, any recipe on my recipes page should be diabetic friendly (except for the desserts). Regarding your man & uncle — if they’re really into meat, all of my recipes may not be for them since I focus on plant based foods! But if you want to try to ease them into veggie eating, this recipe would be a good one to start with: Hope that helps! I just added you to my email list – be sure to accept the confirmation email that should be in your inbox now. Thanks!

  5. Hello! I love your website and being a vegetarian am loving all these great recipes. I would love if you could add me to your email list

    • Thanks so much Mina! I just added you to my email list – be sure to accept the confirmation from FeedBurner in your email inbox so that the addition goes through 🙂

  6. Hello! I love your website and being a new vegetarian am loving all these great recipes. I would love if you could add me to your email list 🙂


    • Aww thanks so much Caitlin! I just added you to my newsletter and my mailing list – be sure to accept the email confirmation from Feedburner when you get it!

  7. Hi! Please add me to your mailing list. Can you also tell me which Indian dishes are low carb, low fat, low calorie?

    • Hi Deepthy! I have added you to my mailing list — but you have to click on the confirmation email from Feedburner for the subscription to be complete! For Indian dishes, pretty much every Indian dish I make is low in fat and calories, and the majority are very low in carbs as well. I include nutritional information for all of my recipes, so you can just go through the Indian recipes here and scroll to the bottom where the nutritional information is for each recipe, and choose the ones that fit the constraints you’re looking for. Hope that helps!

  8. I am a food-science student (human nutrition & dietetics concentration) currently and am going to become a registered dietician when I graduate. I am hoping to do something along the lines of culinary nutrition and am considering culinary school. So basically, I am drawn to any blog related to delicious healthy food!!
    I love love love how your blog gives recipes from all around the world, and healthy versions of them too!
    My family has ALWAYS cooked recipes from different countries and I am slowly starting to create more nutritious versions of them.
    Your posts are great and your blog is full of fantastic ideas! I hope to make some of your recipes soon. I’ll let you know how they turn out!

    • Hi Michelle!! Thanks so much for your comment – it’s so great to meet you! I love how passionate you are about healthy food – sounds like we have a lot in common 🙂 I can’t wait to hear how you like my recipes when you make them at home – keep me posted on how it goes!!

  9. hi anjali First off great recipes and advice, i love that you offer to help people with their lists, diet and problems etc…. i actually had a blast reading the comments and replies, so thank you for being you and making this blog.

    I have just now got determined to get a little more in shape and not just (the round kind) lol and this blog is gonna assist me in that. i am a very picky eater and seems the only foods i eat are the wrong choices.i would also enjoy the email updates as the more choices the better, and any input/references would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank You So Much!

    • Awww thank you so much Tim! It’s my passion to cook healthy food and help others to live healthier lives, so it is my pleasure! 🙂 And congrats on getting more in shape! I would be happy to help you in any way I can. If you have any questions feel free to email me at I’ll add you to my newsletter and to my blog email updates in the meantime. Good luck and keep me posted on how things go!

  10. Hi Anjali,

    I made your healthy baked penne with roasted veggies last night for my son and me, and we LOVED it! It was an easy weeknight meal to make, and so delicious. I can’t wait to try other recipes on your site!

    Thank you!

    • Woohoo!! That’s awesome! I’m so glad to hear that — that penne is one of my favorite recipes 🙂 Can’t wait to hear how my other recipes turn out for you!

  11. Hello,

    I just found your blog site and I think its GREAT! please add me to your email list! I’m going to make one of your recipes tonight, my son and I are so bored with our rotation of meals during the week.

    Thank you!


    • Hi Tracey! Aww thank you so much! It’s so great to meet you! I just added you to my newsletter and email list — be sure to accept the confirmation from FeedBurner in your email inbox!

  12. Hello,
    I started last February to make healthier eating choices and had lost 30 lbs right before the holidays but unfortunately when I was at the dr. recently I had gained about 10 of those pound back! 🙁
    Dang cookies, candy, etc.!!
    It is a struggle for me to eat healthy because I don’t like most vegetables, I don’t like any seafood and I’m not really a big meat eater. My weakness is breads and sweets (the worsts thing possible).
    I’m excited that my husband is now jumping on board trying to eat healthy as well to lose some weight so that will limit alot of the temptations that usually laying around the house! I like your blog because it doesn’t have all the typical recipes you find on other diet websites. Thank you, and if you could include me in any new recipes that would be great! 🙂

    • Hi Laurie! Thank you so much for reaching out and for your kind words about my blog! Kudos to you and your husband for starting to eat healthier — and 30 lbs (even if you gained 10 back) is still an amazing accomplishment!! I totally understand your struggle to eat less of the “junkier” foods like cookies, candy, sweets, etc. Just remember to not be too hard on yourself if you “slip up” once in a while — the important thing is that you are eating healthy and well 90% of the time! I just added you to my email updates, so be sure to accept the confirmation from Feedburner when you get it! Good luck and keep me posted on how things go!!

  13. Hi Anjali, like so many others I’ve stumbled upon your amazing blog and already have plans to direct my clients to you. I don’t have a blog yet, as I’m slowly re-inventing my energies as to how best I can help others toward better health. I’ve been a certified personal trainer, for years with a degree in exercise physiology, and recently certified as a Health Coach as well. My emphasis is helping those who want to help themselves; either with the goal to NOT have to take medications or for those who’ve decided its time to change their lifestyle to reduce or totally discontinue medications with the intention to reverse disease. I can go on and on, but I’m sure you get the idea.
    Thank you SO much for all the fantastic work you’re doing! This is an amazing feat at such a young age! I will continue to look to your blogs/newsletters and fabulous recipes for inspiration to help me help my clients. All the best to you (pregnancy, too!) and your guinea pig husband in 2014!

    • Hi Shari!! Thank you so much for your comment and for sharing a bit about yourself! I loved the way you talked about how you like to help your clients — that philosophy totally resonates with me. I can’t wait to hear how you and your clients like my recipes – I hope they help put them on a path to better health! Thanks for all the well wishes too — can’t believe there are only 4 weeks to go until baby arrives!

  14. Hi Anjali,

    I was wondering if you ever have korma or vindaloo. My favourite restaurant takeout dish is lamb korma and my step-dad’s is pork vindaloo. I would love to be able to make these two dishes (mostly the korma 😉 ) at home so they could be healthier and still delicious.

    If you don’t, do you know somewhere I could find a healthier version?

    Thanks a bunch!!

    • Hi Melanie! Thanks for reaching out! I’ve never actually made either recipe before so unfortunately I don’t have a great healthy recipe that you can use :/ I also don’t cook meat so I can’t help you there! But this recipe from for Chicken Vindaloo looks pretty good, as does this one for Chicken Korma. Hope that helps! Good luck!

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