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Hello! I’m Anjali. I’m a board certified health coach, author, wife, mom and food lover from the SF Bay area (now living in Seattle, WA!); with a passion for delicious food and a desire to make healthy eating easy, tasty and fun! Learn more about me here and stay for a while!

Anjali Shah

Best Organic And Cleanest Baby Formulas (2024 Guide)

This post may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Please read my disclosure.

This in-depth, parent-friendly guide will help you find and buy the best organic and clean baby formulas. You will learn what to consider when choosing a formula, what ingredients to avoid, and where you can reliably purchase the best organic formula for your baby. This guid

e is updated monthly to ensure all the information below is recent and accurate!

Collage of the best organic baby formulas on a white background.
Click here to jump to the 11 best organic baby formulas!

A Note On Breastfeeding Vs. Formula Feeding

We’ve all heard the advice: “Breast is best.” For a few moms, that advice is easy to follow. Unfortunately, for many moms, it’s not.

The truth is, breastfeeding is HARD.

Not hard as in, “oh this is hard, I don’t feel like doing it,” but hard as in: My baby won’t latch; I have low milk supply; My nipples are sore/bleeding/blistered; I have no place to pump at work; I have mastitis; I’ve seen dozens of lactation consultants, and I’m still having problems.

And then there are all of the moms who can’t breastfeed because of a medical reason or because they are adoptive parents (or had their children via a surrogate).

That’s all to say – if you love breastfeeding, great. But if you need to supplement or switch to formula, that’s more than okay, too!

Many moms feel guilt over weaning early or not being able to breastfeed as much as they’d like. But honestly, I believe that the most important thing is the love you give to your baby and that you and your baby are happy and healthy. Breast isn’t best; FED is best.

For me, nursing my daughter was one of the most physically and emotionally challenging parts of new motherhood. Many of the early days ended in tears. When I weaned her after 8 months of emotionally taxing nursing and pumping, I needed to select a baby formula, and this guide is a result of the research I conducted (see my disclaimer, credentials, & methodology for details).

A Disclaimer & Methodology

As a board certified health coach and certified nutritionist, I support products and ingredients that are rooted in science and are evidence-based. Using my background in nutrition, extensive research (see below for details), consultations with experts, and my own personal experience giving my two kids formula, I arrived at this list of the best and cleanest formula for babies in this guide. This post has also been medically reviewed and fact-checked by Katie Drakeford, MA, RD, CSP, LD, CLC (see my about page for more info about Katie).

My baby formula recommendations are based on:

  • Over 200 hours of extensive research
  • Speaking with thousands of parents on what has worked for their children (along with personal experience with my own two kids)
  • Reviewing the manufacturer’s claims and ingredients list, stages, and varieties of over 65 different formula brands
  • Speaking with doctors and pediatricians
  • Reviewing countless articles and peer-reviewed studies

Though I may receive a commission (at no extra expense to you) if you purchase through some of the affiliate links provided, I only recommend products I’ve researched, evaluated, consulted experts on, and would feel comfortable giving to my own two children. 

As always, I only share products that are the highest quality and that can help you and your family the most. By purchasing any of these products from the links below, you help keep this blog running, so thanks for your support!

Remember that every baby & situation is different, so when it comes to choosing a baby formula, please consult with your pediatrician before starting or switching to a new formula. My recommendations are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Quick Picks: Best Organic Baby Formula

Here is my “at a glance” view of the best organic formula for babies for various needs. Looking for the cleanest infant formula? A hypoallergenic formula? The safest baby formula? The best overall? We have you covered.

Further down in this guide, you will find a detailed list of the top 11 best organic baby formulas, a few runner-ups (i.e., good formula brands that didn’t make our top list), and why I love each option.

What Is Organic Baby Formula?

Organic baby formula is defined as being made with at least 95% organic ingredients. This means that 95% of the ingredients in the formula have to adhere to organic standards (source), which include:

  • No GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms)
  • No growth hormones or steroids
  • No antibiotics (or used extremely rarely – only when an animal is extremely sick and no other options will resolve the issue)
  • No artificial colors or flavors
  • All animals are fed an organic diet
  • No synthetic or artificial preservatives
  • No pesticides or insecticides (note: natural pesticides and organic insecticides are allowed)

In Europe, these standards are more heavily regulated than in the US, and additional considerations are added, such as:

  • No sugar or syrup solids
  • Requires at least 30% of calories from lactose (the naturally occurring carbohydrate in milk)
  • No synthetic nutrients extracted with chemical solvents

A note on organic labeling: Certified organic does not mean the same thing as “made with organic ingredients.” If a package has the label “made with organic ingredients,” it means that only 70% of the ingredients are organic, not 95%. (source).

Graphic describing what organic certification means.

Is Organic Baby Formula Better For Your Baby?

The benefits of buying organic baby formula are similar to buying organic foods in general. By buying organic milk formula, you can guarantee that your baby’s formula is made without growth hormones, genetically modified ingredients, non-organic pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, antibiotics, etc.

Additionally, most of these formulas also have the plus of not using processed or problematic ingredients like corn syrup solids, sugar, and more that aren’t beneficial for your baby, making them some of the most natural baby formula.

Experts say there isn’t enough research on whether natural infant organic formula provides your baby with more clear, long-term health advantages than conventional formula does (source). It’s also important to note that most natural and clean infant formulas are often more expensive than conventional ones.

That said, if you can afford it, any of these potential benefits might be worth it if the cost fits your budget.

Luckily, some budget-friendly organic formula options are available (see my quick picks above). And if you can’t afford any organic formula brands, I recommend choosing a formula that meets my criteria for choosing the best formula overall. That way, you may still be able to choose a budget-friendly, non-organic formula for babies that does not include syrup solids or other problematic ingredients.

What Are The Different Types Of Baby Formula?

Organic Cow’s Milk-Based FormulaMost of this type of infant formula found at the grocery store is made from cow’s milk and contains at least 95 percent organic ingredients. You can also be assured that the product is free from preservatives, toxins, artificial colors, and artificial flavors.

Non-Organic Cow’s Milk: Regular cow’s milk formula is still made from cow’s milk (hence the name), yet it might contain hormones, chemicals, and pesticides since it is not organic.

Organic Goat’s Milk Baby FormulaGoat milk is very similar to dairy-based formulas regarding nutrients. But, because it’s made from goat milk, which contains solely the A2 milk protein (vs. both A1 and A2 for most cow’s milk), it may be easier for some babies to digest who are intolerant to cow’s milk (source). Organic goat’s milk is non-GMO and free from preservatives, toxins, etc.

RELATED: Goat Milk Formula vs. Cow Milk Formula and Benefits Of Goat Milk Formula

Non-Organic Goat’s Milk: Regular goat’s milk formula is more common than organic. However, it is a popular option because all goat milk still has the A2 vs. A1 milk protein and can be easier to digest.

Hydrolyzed Protein Formula (Hypoallergenic Formula)There are two types of hydrolyzed formulas: partially hydrolyzed versions that have partially broken down milk proteins and extensively hydrolyzed versions that have completely broken down milk proteins. These broken-down proteins are easier to digest and may help babies with a milk protein allergy or who just have more sensitive tummies.

A2 MilkA2 milk is an alternative to regular cow’s milk that is often easier for babies to digest because it’s more similar to human breast milk. A2 milk can come from goats, or from a small population of cows that happen to produce A2 vs. A1 milk. (Learn More: Best A2 Baby Formula).

Soy-Based: These formulas don’t contain any milk and use soy protein as the base. They are a non-dairy formula option. Note: You should always consult your pediatrician before considering a soy formula for your child, as research research shows it may not be suitable for all babies.

Toddler FormulaWhile most toddlers don’t need formula, toddler milk formula is designed to be consumed after a child’s first year of life. Essentially, it is a kind of transition formula that can supplement a picky eater’s diet with critical nutrients.

Plant-Based Baby Formula: Plant-based formula is made without using animal products. You can think of it as a dairy-free baby formula or vegan formula option. Formulas like Else and Baby’s Only Pea Protein are common vegan formulas available in the US. See this guide for the best dairy-free and vegan baby formula.

Powder Vs. Liquid: Most natural baby formula comes in a powdered option, which you must mix with water before serving. Some brands of formulas will also have a liquid option, which means the formula is already pre-mixed and pre-made, so you can feed it to your baby immediately. Liquid formulas are also known as “ready-to-feed” formulas. There are some organic ready-made formula options, but they may have more stabilizers than powdered versions to keep them shelf-stable.

Graphic describing the types of organic baby formula.

European Vs. American Baby Formula

When I was choosing an all-natural baby formula for my kids, I chose a European Organic Baby Formula instead of purchasing one from the US. What’s the difference between European and US baby formula?

All US-based formulas are regulated by the FDA, and organic milk-based formula brands earn certification from the USDA. The FDA is responsible for ensuring formulas meet infant nutrition requirements. At the same time, the USDA Organic certification means that the baby formula adheres to the USDA guidelines mentioned above (e.g., no hormones, antibiotics, etc.). (source).

All European Formulas are regulated by the European Commission, which also certifies formulas as organic. Additionally, Europe has designations that are “beyond organic” like “Demeter” or “Bioland”. (source).

Demeter essentially means biodynamic farming on top of organic farming. It is focused on creating the most humane conditions for the cows and ensuring the farm “gives back” to the environment in their practices. “Bioland” means that the entire farm is 100% organic, and no nonorganic products are produced on that farm. Bioland is more strict than organic, but not as strict as Demeter. Holle is the only European formula that is Demeter-certified, and Lebenswert is Bioland-certified. (Want to learn more about Demeter standards? See our guide to Demeter standards in Europe here.)

It’s worth noting that the EU and USDA are aligned on a few things when it comes to what gets the official “Organic” label:

  • Both US and European formulas can only be considered organic if 95% or more of the ingredients are organic.
  • Both US and European organic formulas will not come from cows that have been given artificial growth hormones.
  • Both US and European formulas will contain the essential nutrients to support a baby’s growth and development.

So Why Choose European Formulas? Overall, Europe has higher standards and has more options for high-quality organic and natural formula for babies. Some American brands are similar to European brands in quality and ingredients, and we have included those options in this guide as well.

When it comes to regulation, I have anecdotally seen that Europe regulates organic standards much more strictly than the US does. Not only do European organic baby formulas have to meet the 95%+ ingredients standard, the EU also requires more transparency and has stricter regulations when it comes to detecting trace amounts of any toxic substances in natural baby formula.

Historically, most formulas, especially those produced in the United States, have certain ingredients that aren’t very healthy for your baby (like glucose syrup solids and some stabilizers and preservatives). This is why it is great that so many higher-quality and healthy baby formula options are available to parents today.

Note: Translated Nutritional Information And Preparation Instructions For European Formulas

When you buy European formulas, especially the Dutch or German formulas, their labels may not always come with an English translation. To help map European formula nutrition onto US standards, we have partnered with Bottles & Burps to provide you with detailed guides for all of the non-UK-based European formulas! (Note: Get 20% off any single pack using the code PICKYEATER20 when shopping at Bottles and Burps! Just enter it manually in the checkout process!)

See below for translated nutritional labels, ingredients, and preparation instructions so it’s easy to compare to any US-based formulas.

Baby Formula Stages

European baby formula is designed in stages – so that the different stages of formula correspond to the different ages of your baby. Just as breast milk changes to meet your baby’s changing needs, the different stages of formula change to meet these evolving needs as well. Each stage is formulated to meet the nutritional requirements of a specific age and your baby’s development stage.

US baby formula, on the other hand, is more commonly found in a one-size-fits-all model. That is, there is one stage of formula for all babies aged 0-12 months (also known as “infant formula”) followed by one separate stage for babies aged 1+ (“toddler formula”).

Here are what the different stages of European baby formula mean:

Stage PRE/1: This stage is suitable for your baby from birth. These formulas often use lactose as the main source of carbohydrates and are very gentle and easy to digest. They will contain less iron than do the later stages since your baby’s iron stores remain intact until about 6 months of age. Stage PRE/1 is for babies 0-6 months old. Stage PRE is typically a formula for newborns through 3 months of age, but can be used for up to 6 months. PRE is also slightly less filling than Stage 1, so you can adjust based on your baby’s appetite between these two stages during the first 6 months of life.

Stage 2: For formulas with only 2 stages, stage 2 is for 6-12 months of life. For formulas with 3 stages, stage 2 typically lasts 6-10 months of life. Stage 2 has more iron and a slightly different mix of vitamins and minerals to adjust to your baby’s growing needs.

Stage 3: Typically used for 10-12 months of life, and sometimes can be used into toddlerhood. It is made specifically to supplement your baby’s diet with solid foods, which should increase around 11-12 months of life.

All Ages Formula: Some formulas, typically US formulas, don’t come in stages, meaning they are all-ages formulas (also known as “infant formula”) and can be used for 0-12 months of life.

Healthiest Baby Formula Ingredients

To choose the healthiest formula for babies, look for the following ingredients and criteria:

✅ Certified Organic (either USDA-certified organic or EU-certified organic).

✅ Meets nutritional standards for babies (in the US or the EU) and includes key vitamins and minerals for development

✅ No sugar, sucrose, or syrup solids (you want a formula without added sugar. Ideally, lactose should be the only carbohydrate) (Source).

✅ Whey to casein ratio that matches mature breast milk (60:40 whey to casein ratio)

✅ Includes Omega 3 Fats (DHA, ALA) and Omega 6 fatty acids (ARA, LA) (Source).

✅ Includes prebiotics and probiotics (Learn More: Prebiotics For Kids). (Source).

✅ Gluten-free and soy-free (except for organic soybean oil and organic soy lecithin, which are ok)

✅ Palm oil free (or uses palmitic acid, or sustainable palm oil. Learn more: Palm Oil In Baby Formula)

✅ No carrageenan

✅ No hexane extracted ingredients if possible (DHA specifically), or no hexane detected post-extraction

✅ No maltodextrin

✅ Mixes easily, reviews state that most babies can tolerate it well

✅ Suits your budget

Graphic describing the best organic baby formula ingredients.

Ingredients To Avoid In Baby Formula

The US has a lower set of standards for organic baby formula, which means that even the best organic formulas can have lower-quality ingredients. Below are the ingredients that shouldn’t appear in organic baby formula – as outlined by the National Organic Standards Board. Many of these ingredients are banned in the European Union, which is the gold standard for what’s considered organic. Look for formulas that do not contain these ingredients:

Processed Refined Sugars (Syrup, Syrup Solids): Corn syrup solids (glucose syrup solids), maltodextrin (a partially hydrolyzed starch derived from corn, rice, or potatoes), sugar, or brown rice syrup. Manufacturers use these because they are cheaper than lactose (which is what should be in formula). (Source).

GMOs: Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) ingredients, while recognized as safe by the FDA (source), often need a large amount of pesticides when they’re being grown, which not only has an adverse effect on the environment, but also comes with the risk of trace amounts ending up in the foods (and formulas) produced using GMO ingredients (Source 1, Source 2).

Oils extracted using hexane (DHA, ARA): DHA and ARA are important to have in baby formula, because they are essential fatty acids that are important for both brain development and eye development. However, specific types of DHA and ARA – C. Cohnii oil (DHA) and M. Alpina oil (ARA) are processed using hexane (a neurotoxic petroleum-based solvent). Other forms of DHA and ARA, such as DHA and ARA that are extracted from algae fungus, can be added to formulas that do not require hexane for extraction. While the hexane is removed from the formula after processing and is non-detectable in European Formulas (see my detailed section on hexane at the end of this post). It’s also worth noting that any oils that are listed as “organic” on EU formula labels cannot use hexane for extraction. (Source).

Carrageenan: Is typically added as a stabilizer to ready-to-feed formulas in the US; it is not allowed in the EU and has been linked to intestinal inflammation. (Source).

Synthetic Nutrients Extracted Using Chemical Solvents: This includes lutein, lycopene, nucleotides, taurine, l-carnitine, and l-methionine that are extracted in this manner. Some of these nutrients are not allowed in EU formulas, some of them (like lutein) are beneficial to babies, but they ideally are extracted not using hexane.

Palm Oil: to mirror the levels of palmitic acid, which is found in breast milk, some manufacturers add palm oil. The problem is that palm oil in formula does not act the same way that palmitic acid does in the baby’s gut. Palm oil reacts with calcium, and causes the formation of “soaps” in the baby’s intestines (which can cause digestive issues). Palm oil is in most formulas (EU & US), but more manufacturers are now making formulas without it. (Source).

Soy: Soy protein (and soy formula) are problematic for infants because of their phytoestrogen content (Source: Check out this study about soy).

Unfortunately, nearly all baby formulas sold in the US have one or more of these ingredients to avoid.

So what’s a parent to do?

Stick to the high-quality European formulas or US formulas like Bobbie, which mimic European standards. The EU has some of the best organic baby formula options like andHiPPHolle, and Lebenswert. They all produce non-toxic baby formula made with the best ingredients. For this reason, only the best European formulas for babies are featured on this guide.

Graphic describing ingredients to avoid in baby formula.

How To Choose The Best Baby Formula

While all of this information might seem overwhelming, at the very least, I recommend following these guidelines when choosing the best formula for your baby:

  1. Organic if possible, and if you can’t afford organic, try to find a non-GMO or at least a formula with no glucose, corn, or other syrup solids.
  2. Helpful nutrients – added DHA, ARA for brain development, prebiotics & probiotics for immune and gut health.
  3. Strong and reliable reviews from other parents.
  4. Pediatrician approval – your pediatrician knows your baby and has experience with many of these formulas, so they should be able to help you figure out which of these formulas will suit your baby the best!

This list includes both European and US formulas. Go to this guide for the best baby formula brands made in the US if you’re specifically interested in US-made baby formulas!

Below, I have summarized my research to help answer the question: what is the best organic baby formula available today? Later in the post, I cover what to look for in choosing a baby formula, the main ingredients to avoid, an analysis of each top formula, a detailed chart that ranks all of the organic formulas available, and a list of a few reliable places to buy formulas online.

The 11 Best Organic & Cleanest Baby Formulas

While there is no perfect formula, the baby formulas below are considerably better than the rest. Read on to see the best organic formula for infants and our top picks based on your baby’s individual needs.

HiPP Dutch – Best Overall

Can of HiPP Dutch Stage 1 organic baby formula.

Why I love it: Of all the formulas, this is the best overall organic baby formula. It has a whey-to-casein ratio that mimics breast milk, uses vegetable oils for fat, contains prebiotics and probiotics, and contains DHA/ARA. It’s also free of GMO ingredients, added sugars, starch, soy, and synthetic nutrients and preservatives. It also comes in an easy-to-dispense, airtight container!

There aren’t many reasons not to consider this the best natural baby formula! Because of its closeness to breast milk, it can be one of the best formulas to supplement breastfeeding. HiPP has lots of different formulas, but HiPP Dutch is the best HiPP formula you can find. See translated nutrition facts, ingredient info and detailed instructions for preparation here

Keep in mind: If you are concerned about hexane extraction, HiPP organic baby formula uses this method to retrieve the DHA and ARA in their formula. They claim, however, that 100% of the hexane is removed after extraction and is not detectable in their formulas. Given that this European brand follows guidelines that are much more stringent than those in the US, I’m inclined to believe them.

Price: $48.99 for a single pack. (Save if you buy in bulk: $42.99 each for a 24 pack).

What Customers Say: My grandson is doing so well on this formula. My daughter loves it. Baby is not spitting up this formula like the Gerber brand. I feel so good about the baby drinking this in his bottles. – Barbara R.

100% organic, non GMO
Whey-to-casein ratio that mimics breast milk
Contains prebiotics & probiotics
Contains DHA & ARA
No added sugars, no starch, no maltodextrin
Easy to dispense from container
No soy
Does use hexane to extract DHA & ARA, but hexane 100% removed and is undetectable in the formula
Contains palm oil
Buy Now

HiPP UK Stage 1 – Best Value

Box of HiPP UK Stage 1 organic baby formula.

Why I love it: HiPP UK is also quite similar to HiPP Dutch. At $0.048/gram, it is the most budget-friendly healthy organic infant formula option.

Keep in mind: The main difference between HiPP UK and HiPP Dutch (besides the price) is that it contains no probiotics, only prebiotics. Like HiPP Germany, it also has a container that’s harder to dispense from (foil bags vs. an airtight can).

Price: $42.99 for a single box. (Save if you buy in bulk: $36.99 each for a 24 pack).

What Customers Say: I chose Hipp Organic UK because I’ve heard so much good things about it! My baby was on Enfamil and it was the WORSE! So I was determined to find the best Formula for my baby! UK brands are by far the best for your baby. I have no worries when it comes to the safety of my baby’s formula. STRONGLY recommend Hipp Organic! – Irene W.

Affordable organic infant formula
Contains DHA & ARA
Contains prebiotics
Doesn’t contain probiotics
Harder to dispense from box
Contains palm oil
Buy Now

Jovie Organic Goat – Best Goat Milk Formula for Babies and Toddlers

jovie organic goat milk formula

Why I love it: If you’re looking for the best goat milk infant formula, and a great alternative to cow’s milk, I’d recommend the European version of Jovie Goat. The ingredients are 100% organic, non-GMO, with added prebiotics and a whey-to-casein ratio that closely resembles that in breast milk, making it an incredibly healthy formula for babies.

In addition, Jovie made with organic whole A2 goat milk and lactose instead of skim milk for easy digestion. This best infant formula option contains no glucose syrup solids, no maltodextrin, no palm oil, no soy oil, and contains DHA and ARA. It is incredibly wholesome and nutritious and is at the top of this list of the most natural formula for a reason! (Learn More: Jovie Formula Review).

Keep in mind: Jovie doesn’t contain probiotics, so you would have to supplement. It’s also not vegetarian, as it contains fish oil. Also, there is a US version of Jovie available, but it is not certified USDA organic because their whole goat milk powder is not USDA organic. The European version of Jovie does meet European organic standards.

Price: $62.99 for a single pack. (Save if you buy in bulk: $56.99 each for a 24 pack).

What Customers Say: Great formula. My newborn was constipated on cows milk formula and became regular as soon as I switched her to this one. Smells great too. – Karina R.

Made with A2 organic whole goat milk – easier to digest than cow’s milk
No palm oil
Contains DHA & ARA
Contains prebiotics
No glucose syrup solids
No soy oil
Doesn’t contain probiotics
Not vegetarian friendly (DHA is from fish oil)
On the more expensive side
Buy Now

Bobbie Organic Infant Formula – Best Organic Baby Formula Made in the US

Can of Bobbie organic infant formula.

Why I love it: Bobbie is the best organic infant formula made in the US, made with milk sourced from Organic Valley pasture raised cows. It is the best option if you’re looking for a US-made formula that is comparable to European formulas, as it’s the first Organic, European-Style Infant Formula that meets FDA requirements.

The only mom founded and led infant formula company in the U.S., Bobbie is made by parents for parents, who are looking for the most nutritious and safest formula for babies. In fact, it is the cleanest formulas for babies manufactured in the US!

This best American formula includes DHA and ARA – and does not use hexane to extract the DHA. They do use hexane to extract the ARA, but it is not detectable in their formula. Bobbie has a 60:40 whey-casein ratio, is modeled after breast milk, is non-GMO, free of added sugars, and has no synthetic nutrients or preservatives. It also happens to be palm oil and soy oil-free.

(Learn More: “>Palm Oil In Baby Formula, Bobbie vs. Similac Formula).

And with their starter offer, you can get 50% off your first 24oz can + free shipping!

Keep in mind: Bobbie does not add prebiotics or probiotics to their formula. Personally, I prefer pre/probiotics added to formula mainly for convenience. If you want to supplement with prebiotics, I recommend BeginHealth prebiotics. (Learn more: Best Probiotics For Kids).

Price: $25.99 for a single can (at Target). $23.40 per can if you sign up for the monthly subscription on Bobbie’s website.

What Customers Say: Thank you for providing such a great formula for our babies. My baby has been on Bobbie since she was born and has never had any other type of formula. Not once did she have a tummy ache from it. She always digested it well, and was always right on point in her nutrition per her pediatrician. Makes me sad to go, but we are officially on our last can and I’m so proud of our journey. Thank you. – Julie

Designed to meet the most recent EU nutritional standards for critical ingredients like DHA and iron, while also meeting all FDA nutritional standards for infant formula.
USDA Organic grass fed infant formula
Designed to taste like breast milk
No palm oil, no soy oil
Organic lactose is the main carbohydrate
No corn syrup, no cane sugar, no maltodextrin
Non GMO, gluten free, no natural or artificial flavors or colors
Contains DHA & ARA
60:40 whey casein ratio for easy digestion
Available for sale in the US (at Target) and online
Affordable and budget friendly
Doesn’t contain prebiotics
Doesn’t contain probiotics
Buy Now

ByHeart Organic Infant Formula – Best Whole Milk Formula Made in the US

Can of ByHeart Whole Nutrition Infant Formula on a pink background.

Why I love it: Made with organic grass fed whole milk and non-GMO ingredients, this organic baby formula is a newer player in the American market. Because it is made with whole milk, this formula has less added vegetable oils than does Bobbie or other brands that are made with non-fat milk. Furthermore, ByHeart ran one of the largest successful clinical trials of a new formula company has already received the Clean Label Project Purity Award.

This formula has a whey-to-casein ratio that mimics breast milk as well as a patented protein blend that contains proteins, such as alpha-lac and lactoferrin, in the same ratios as breast milk.  Though I am usually not a fan of synthetic ingredients, these two are known to be helpful  in developing gut health (source).  Lactose is the primary carbohydrate source and the formula contains prebiotics, making it easily digestible for little tummies. ByHeart is made without corn syrup, gluten, maltodextrin, soy, hexane-extracted DHA, and palm oil as well.

Keep in mind: There aren’t many reasons not to like ByHeart, but a few parents reported that the formula can be difficult to mix and a few parents report that the formula increased the amount of spit ups for their babies.

Price: $42 for a single 24 oz/680g can. (Save with subscribe and save: $39/can).

What Customers Say: Our baby boy has been on byheart since birth. Tolerates it well, poops regularly, minimal reflux. Growing like a weed!!!! – Elizabeth V.

Made with organic grass fed whole milk
Received the Clean Label Project Purity Award
60-40 whey-to-casein ratio (same as breast milk)
Lactose is the primary carbohydrate
No corn syrup, maltodextrin, or added sugar
Gluten-free, Soy-free
No palm oil
Available for sale in the US (at Target) and online
Contains prebiotics
Contains DHA (not hexane extracted)
Doesn’t contain probiotics
More expensive US formula
Buy Now

Kendamil – Best Whole Milk Formula with Prebiotics, DHA and ARA

kendamil baby formula

Why I love it: Kendamil is uses whole milk instead of skimmed milk. It’s made in the UK and is the best option for parents who want a whole milk formula with DHA, ARA and prebiotics added. It’s also one of the best baby formulas without palm oil. Kendamil contains HMOs (human milk oligosaccharides), a prebiotic which are meant to help strengthen your baby’s immune system by promoting good gut bacteria.

Kendamil’s cows graze on pasture and are grass fed, the formula uses coconut oil as one of their main fatty acids, and their formula contains non-hexane extracted DHA, ARA and prebiotics. This all natural baby formula is one of the best formula milk for babies 0-6 months as it’s free of added sugars, GMO ingredients, and whole milk formulation.  This formula is also known to smell sweet and taste great, making it the best formula for picky breastfed babies.

Keep in mind: This formula does not contain probiotics, so you may have to supplement if you choose this for your baby. It also contains taurine, l-carnitine, and nucleotides, but Kendamil does not use solvents to extract these nutrients for their formula. (Learn More: Kendamil Formula Review).

Price: $52.99 for a single pack. (Save if you buy in bulk: $46.99 each for a 24 pack).

What Customers Say: Our little boy has taken to the formula right away. We couldn’t be happier with how it’s working out. And it’s wonderful knowing that our baby is getting the proper nutrition he needs! – Erin Marie M.

Made with organic whole milk
No soy oil, no palm oil
Contains HMOs for immune system support
Contains non-hexane extracted DHA & ARA
Contains prebiotics
No added sugars, non GMO
Is available in US stores (Target) and online
Doesn’t contain probiotics
Buy Now

Löwenzahn Organics – Best Vegetarian Friendly Formula with Prebiotics, DHA and ARA

photo of lowenzahn formula

Why I love it: Löwenzahn Organics is one of the newer European formulas on the market, but they are already proving to be one of the best organic formulas available today! Made in Germany, this formula mimics breast milk, and includes both DHA and ARA in a 1:1 ratio in their follow-on formula. Their DHA/ARA is 100% vegetarian friendly, as it comes from algae and has no detectable hexane.

Löwenzahn is the only formula that makes their entire supply chain transparent to the consumer, making a best clean formula for babies.  Just scan the code on the package and you can trace the origin of each ingredient! It is one of the best organic formulas for breastfed babies thanks to its gentle formulation, and it will grow with your baby – it comes in 3 stages from birth to 12 months.

Keep in mind: This formula includes prebiotics but does not contain probiotics, so you may have to supplement if you choose this for your baby.

Price: $31.49 for a single pack. (Save if you buy in bulk: $26.99 each for a 24 pack).

What Customers Say: The information on the website made switching to this formula an easy decision. Our baby is supplementing with this formula and is responding wonderfully. – Melissa W.

Organic formula that mimics breast milk
Includes vegetarian-friendly DHA & ARA
Transparent supply chain
Contains prebiotics
Affordable and budget-friendly
Doesn’t contain probiotics
Only meant for babies up to 3 months of age (need to use stage 1 after that)
Contains palm oil
Buy Now

HiPP PRE Germany – Best for Babies 0-3 Months

Box of HiPP PRE Germany organic baby formula.

Why I love it: HiPP Germany is one of the best organic brands from Europe, and is a nutritionally complete formula that contains ingredients similar to HiPP Dutch. The main difference is the packaging (comes in a cardboard box vs. a can), and HiPP PRE is designed for babies from 0-3 months of age. See translated nutrition facts, ingredient info and detailed instructions for preparation here. Want to learn more about German formulas? See my guide on the best German baby formula.

Keep in mind: HiPP PRE is meant for babies 0-3 months. Also, its container is harder to dispense from than HiPP Dutch’s is (foil bags vs. an airtight can).

Price: $37.99 for a single box. (Save when you buy in bulk: $28.99 each for 24 boxes).

What Customers Say: My 4 week old son finally has no problems after eating formula. The one we used before made him nauseous and throwing up lot of times, to the extent he would be choking. With HIPP I don’t have to worry about it, I’m so glad I could use HIPP for my little one. It was same with my daughter, she just didn’t seem to feel good after other formulas. Thank you. – Ewa W.

Comparable to HiPP Dutch in terms of ingredients, but more affordable
Organic and Non-GMO
Contains DHA and ARA
Contains prebiotics and probiotics
No starch
Only meant for babies 0-3 months of age, must move to stage 1 after that (which does contain added starch)
Box is harder to dispense from
Contains palm oil
Buy Now

Lebenswert – Best Formula Without Prebiotics, Probiotics, and ARA

Box of Lebenswert Stage 1 organic baby formula.

Why I love it: Lebenswert provides a great option for parents who want a simple list of clean, organic ingredients and who want to supplement with pre/probiotics and ARA separately. If hexane-extracted DHA and ARA concern you, Lebenswert may be just the thing you’re looking for. Lebenswert has DHA added from a non-hexane extracted source (organic fish oil).

Lebenswert also has a proper whey-to-casein ratio and is free of added sugars, GMO ingredients, starch, soy, and synthetic nutrients and preservatives. Definitely one of the best natural formulas for babies!

In addition to a top-notch ingredients list, this clean ingredient baby formula also boasts a Bioland certification, which is even more thorough than EU organic certification. See translated nutrition facts, ingredient info and detailed instructions for preparation here.

Keep in mind: Personally, I prefer pre/probiotics and DHA/ARA added to formula – mainly for convenience. If you want to supplement with prebiotics, I recommend BeginHealth prebiotics for older babies, or see my recommendations here on the best probiotics for infants,

Price:$27.99 for a single pack. (Save when you buy in bulk: $22.99 each for a 15 pack).

What Customers Say: The best formula ever! No complaints. I fed my 3 year old with Lebenswert as a baby and now my newborn. It’s been a life saver! –  Maria

Affordable organic European baby formula
Simple ingredients list
Contains DHA from fish oil
Bioland certification
No added sugars, no starch, no maltodextrin
Doesn’t contain ARA
Not vegetarian-friendly
Doesn’t contain prebiotics
Doesn’t contain probiotics
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Holle PRE – Comparable to Lebenswert, Formulated for Babies 0-3 Months

Box of Holle Bio PRE organic baby formula.

Why I love it: Holle PRE is very comparable to Lebenswert in ingredients, and is also a great option for parents who don’t want pre/probiotics added to their formula and want to supplement with that separately.

Holle baby formulas are Demeter biodynamic certified, which has even more stringent and careful regulations than Bioland. This ensures the purest, non-GMO ingredients, the highest standards for animal welfare, and a commitment to biodiversity and sustainability. (Learn More: Holle Formula Review, and see translated nutrition facts, ingredient info and detailed instructions for preparation here).

Keep in mind: Again, with Holle options, parents would need to supplement probiotics/prebiotics since it is not included in the formula (DHA/ARA is added in the new formulation). Holle PRE can be used until 6 months of age, but it’s specially formulated for babies 0-3 months. After 6 months you’ll have to move to a Stage 1 or 2 formula. As another note, Holle Bio PRE contains no added maltodextrin, but stage 2, which is still lactose-based, does contain added organic maltodextrin.

Price: $25.99 for a single pack. (Save when you buy in bulk: $19.99 each for a 24 pack).

What Customers Say: “It’s been great, mainly because the baby loves it. It mixes easy, it’s clean, and easy to find.” -Robert R.

Demeter biodynamic certified
Commitment to animal welfare and sustainability
Contains DHA & ARA
Organic ingredients
Holle PRE contains no maltodextrin, but Stage 2 does contain maltodextrin
Only suitable for babies 0-6 months (ideally 0-3 months)
No prebiotics
No probiotics
Buy Now

Baby’s Only Infant Formula – Best Affordable Organic US Formula

Can of Baby's Only infant formula with iron.

Why I love it: Baby’s Only Infant Formula is made in the US, doesn’t contain palm oil, and is 100% organic and heavy metal tested! It’s one of the more affordable options for organic infant formula in the US, and it’s full of healthy fats and has no added sugars. It’s Clean Label Purity project certified, modeled after breast milk, contains no corn syrup, and no glucose syrup solids. It’s one of the best organic milk options for your little one, especially if you are looking for a formula free of DHA/ARA and probiotics. (Learn More: Baby’s Only Formula Review).

Keep in mind: Like Lebenswert, this grass fed baby formula has no DHA/ARA or probiotics, so you will have to supplement if you choose this for your baby.

Price: $19.99 per can.

What Customers Say: “I just love Baby’s Only. My child seems to love the taste and I feel good about the nutrition it provides for her growth.” – G

US made organic infant formula
FDA regulated
Heavy metal tested and Clean Label Purity project certified
No syrup solids, no added sugar
Contains prebiotics
Available in stores and online
No DHA, no ARA
No probiotics
Buy Now

Moderately Recommended Formulas (Runner-Ups)

Baby’s Only with Whey – Best Organic Toddler Formula

Can of Baby's Only With Whey Toddler Formula.

Why I love it: Baby’s Only with Whey is the one of the best cow’s milk-based formulas available in the US. It is made with organic skimmed cow’s milk, and organic whey protein. It has no added sugars, and is free of synthetic ingredients, and has naturally extracted DHA (from eggs).

Keep in mind: This is technically a toddler formula but similar to Kabrita, it meets the nutritional requirements for an infant formula. It also has no pre/probiotics so you would have to supplement with that separately. As with all formula, be sure to consult your pediatrician before using this for your baby. (Learn More: Best Toddler Formula).

Price: $16.99 for a 12.7oz can

What customers say: “⁦I have tried MULTIPLE formulas, and this is the ONLY one my sweet baby will tolerate. We have zero digestive issues with this formula, and she has a lot of sensitivities. We landed on this brand and I’ll never look back.⁩” – Emilee W.rn

Organic formula, non GMO
Hexane free DHA
Made in the US
Is a toddler formula, not an infant formula (but meets the nutritional requirements for an infant formula)
No prebiotics
No probiotics
Buy Now

Kabrita USA – Best Goat Formula Available in the US

best baby formula kabrita

Why I love it: There are a lot of benefits to Kabrita USA. It is FDA registered, has a super clean ingredients list, is certified glyphosate free, it contains no added sugars, no maltodextrin, no syrup solids and has the right composition of fatty acids to be gentle for babies’ tummies to digest. (Learn More: Kabrita Goat Milk Formula Review).

Keep in mind: Kabrita is technically not organic, but it does follow European standards and is non-GMO. It’s also a toddler formula, but Kabrita states that it meets the nutritional requirements of infant formula. However, the FDA has not regulated it as an infant formula, so make sure your pediatrician is comfortable with you using it before you start this formula.

Price: $19.99 for a 14oz can.

What customers say: “My baby girl loves it. We tried 6 different formulas after finishing breastfeeding and she would refuse them. From the first to the last drop of this formula she would actually drink the full bottle!” – Abby M.

Made with A2 goat milk – easier to digest
FDA regulated
No added sugars, no maltodextrin
Contains DHA & ARA
Not technically an organic formula, but is Non GMO
Is a toddler formula, not an infant formula (but meets the nutritional requirements for an infant formula)
Buy Now

Holle Bio – Best Organic Standards

Box of Holle BIO Stage 1 organic baby formula.

Why I love it: Holle organic baby formula is very comparable to Lebenswert in ingredients, and is also a great option for parents who don’t want pre/probiotics added to their natural organic formula and want to supplement with that separately.

Holle baby formulas are Demeter biodynamic certified, which has even more stringent and careful regulations than Bioland. This organic cow milk formula has the purest, non-GMO ingredients, the highest standards for animal welfare, and a commitment to biodiversity and sustainability. This formula does contain maltodextrin, moving this formula from my top list to my runner-up list. See translated nutrition facts, ingredient info and detailed instructions for preparation here.

Keep in mind: Again, with Holle options, parents would need to supplement pre/probiotics since it is not included in the formula (DHA/ARA is included in this non toxic formula). Holle Stage 1 also has maltodextrin added. (Learn More: Holle vs. HiPP Formula).

Price: $25.99 for a single pack (buy in bulk and save $19.99 each for a 24 pack)

What customers say: “I noticed a dramatic change in my newborn when we switched to Holle formula. I feel better knowing she’s being fed a higher quality formula!” – Nancy L.

Demeter biodynamic certified
Contains DHA & ARA
Organic and Non GMO
Environmentally friendly
Doesn’t contain prebiotics
Doesn’t contain probiotics
Buy Now

Holle Goat – Budget Friendly Organic Goat Milk Formula for Infants

Box of Holle Goat Stage 1 organic baby formula.

Why I love it: Holle Goat is the one of the few goat milk formulas that is organic. Holle’s goat formula is also suitable for infants. Some evidence suggests the protein ratios in goat milk more closely resemble that of breast milk. There is also research that suggests goat’s milk is more easily and completely digestible by infants than cow’s milk is. This means that goat’s milk formula may be perfect for a baby with sensitivities to cow’s milk formula, making goat’s milk formula potentially one of the best organic baby formulas for breastfed babies.  See translated nutrition facts, ingredient info and detailed instructions for preparation here.

Keep in mind: Unlike Kabrita, Holle goat milk formula does not contain added whey (so the whey:casein ratio in Holle might be constipating for some babies). This organic infant milk also includes maltodextrin to balance the sweetness of the milk. It also contains no added pre/probiotics (DHA/ARA is included in the new formulation).

Price: $31.99 for a single pack (buy in bulk and save $25.99 each for a 24 pack)

What customers say: “My baby had horrible skin issues and being on this specific formula has completely changed his skin. I am so thankful for this formula!” – Meghan P.

Made with organic A2 goat milk
Contains DHA & ARA
Bioland certified
Whey-to-casein ratio doesn’t mimic breast milk, so some parents have mentioned that this formula can be constipating for their baby.
Includes maltodextrin
Doesn’t contain prebiotics
Doesn’t contain probiotics
Buy Now

Happy Baby Organic Formula – Best Affordable Infant Formula Available in the US

best baby formula happy baby

Why I love it: This is one of the best infant formulas made in the US, and doesn’t have gluten or corn syrup. It’s Non-GMO, and is designed for easy digestion. It contains DHA, pre and probiotics. And it’s also the best organic infant formula available in the US (since Baby’s Only is technically a toddler formula).

Keep in mind: This American made baby formula does contain soy oil, which is less ideal. It also has a thinner consistency that not all babies might like.

Price: $27.29 for a 21oz container.

What customers say: “Bottom line; my baby loves it! He took to it right away and sometimes even prefers the formula to my breast milk. It’s been about a week and he is digesting it properly, pooping normally, and seems to be thriving on it. Highly recommended from this breastfeeding mama (and her baby)!” – CelRangelDesigns (Amazon customer)

Made in the US, FDA regulated
Organic and Non GMO
Contains DHA, ARA
Contains prebiotics
Clean Label Certified
Contains soy oil
Can be harder to find
Contains palm oil
Doesn’t contain probiotics
Buy Now

The Best Hypoallergenic Formulas For Babies

I have included a short summary of the top 3 hypoallergenic formulas below, but if you’re looking for more detailed information, check out our guide to the best hypoallergenic baby formulas, which outlines the best options as well as how to find the best fit for your baby.

HiPP Hypoallergenic – Best for Cow’s Milk Protein Sensitivities

Box of HiPP HA formula - best hypoallergenic baby formula.

Why I love it: HiPP Hypoallergenic baby formula is free of casein and contains protein hydrolysates that break down proteins for infants who have sensitive stomachs. It also contains pre and probiotics and DHA. Try this gentle formula without corn syrup if your baby has a cow’s milk allergy or sensitivity and you haven’t tried another hypoallergenic option (or you’re trying to move away from the US hypoallergenic options because of concerns over ingredients). Has extensively hydrolyzed protein, (86-87% broken down), 100% whey (no casein), but with the same lactose content as a non-hypoallergenic baby formula. So if your baby has severe lactose intolerance, this may not work well for them. (Learn more: Lactose Free Baby Formula, HiPP HA vs. Nutramigen).

Keep in mind: HiPP Hypoallergenic is not technically organic, because hydrolyzing the milk protein requires more processing. However, all other ingredients included are still organic.

Price: $41.99 for a single pack (buy in bulk and save $34.99 each for a 24 pack)

What customers say: “Helped my newborn so much! She felt better and it has helped her gain so much weight so fast! Plus shipping was actually reasonably fast for where the formula is coming from.” – Lauren K.

Hydrolyzed milk proteins for easy digestion
No casein
Contains pre and probiotics
Contains DHA & ARA
No syrup solids or added sugar
Mostly organic ingredients
Contains a regular amount of lactose (not a reduced lactose formula)
Only 86-87% hydrolyzed so may not work for babies with a diagnosed CMPA
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HiPP Comfort – Best For Sensitive Tummies

Box of HiPP Comfort formula - best hypoallergenic baby formula.

Why I love it: This is the most gentle formula from the EU, and is worth trying for babies who don’t do well on HiPP HA. It is the most similar to a US hypoallergenic formula and is more broken down than HiPP HA. It contains extensively hydrolyzed protein, (86-87% broken down), 100% whey (no casein), reduced lactose content and modified fats. While technically, HiPP HA is a hypoallergenic formula and Comfort is not specifically a hypoallergenic formulation but rather indicated for gassiness, colic and constipation, we have found parents seeking a “hypoallergenic” formula have been successful with Comfort. But, their success may be due to the reduced lactose content in addition to the hydrolyzed protein. (Learn More: Best Formula For Gassy Babies and the Best Baby Formula For Constipation).

Keep in mind: HiPP Comfort is not technically organic, because hydrolyzing the milk protein requires more processing. However, all other ingredients included are still organic. Also, while HiPP Comfort is the closest to a US hypoallergenic formula, it’s still not as broken down as Alimentum or Nutramigen (which is 93% hydrolyzed). The US hypoallergenic formulas are usually suited for babies who have a medical condition s called CMPA (cow’s milk protein allergy). So if your baby can’t tolerate Comfort you will have to move to a US hypoallergenic formula.

Price: $39.99 for a single pack (buy in bulk and save $32.99 each for a 24 pack)

What customers say: “This has been the best formula we have ever tried. My LO has bad gas and acid reflux and this does not cause any flare ups or issues. He has gained weight very well since starting this formula and is overall a much happier baby!” – Becca P.

Has hydrolyzed milk protein (86-87%)
No casein
Reduced lactose content
Modified fats for easier digestion
Designed specifically for gas, constipation, colic
Mostly organic ingredients
No syrup solids or added sugar
Contains prebiotics & probiotics
Contains DHA & ARA
May not work for babies with a diagnosed CMPA
Contains maltodextrin
Buy Now

HiPP Anti-Reflux – Best for Reflux

Why I love it: HiPP Anti-Reflux formula is EU certified organic, and it is a good choice for babies with sensitive tummies. This formula contains locust bean gum that thickens the formula slightly to prevent reflux and/or reduce spit up. It can be one of the best formulas for gas as well. It contains DHA, and also contains prebiotics and probiotics to benefit your baby’s digestive system. (Learn More: Best Baby Formula For Colic and the Best Formula For Reflux).

Keep in mind: HiPP Anti-Reflux contains organic maltodextrin (in addition to lactose). This is to help in easing digestion for little ones.

Price: $39.99 for a single pack (buy in bulk and save $29.99 each for a 24 pack)

What customers say: “Our daughter was always spitting up and feeling very uncomfortable. We had tried various formulas with little to no success. After a couple days of HIPP we saw a dramatic difference. No more 10 outfit changes a day, she sleeps better and longer. Overall she’s a happier baby.” – James B.

Contains a natural thickening agent that helps treat acid reflux
Lactose is the only carboyhdrate
No added sugar or maltodextrin
Contains prebiotics and probiotics
Contains DHA & ARA
No added starch
No hydrolyzed milk proteins or reduced lactose
This formula is not intended for infant’s with CMPA or lactose intolerance/sensitivity
Buy Now

Discontinued Baby Formulas

There are a few baby formula brands I had to remove from our list above, due to them being discontinued. They are:

The Honest Company Organic Formula: Founded by Jessica Alba, The Honest Company was created to develop high quality baby products with wholesome ingredients and budget friendly prices. They had two stages of Honest organic formula, but have since discontinued both.

Loulouka, And Loulouka Goat: Loulouka and Loulouka Goat used organic milk and contains no soy or palm oil! It was made in Switzerland and was the best option for parents who want a formula with DHA and prebiotics added (and are ok with supplementing with ARA/probiotics separately). Loulouka was also free of added sugars, GMO ingredients, starch, and synthetic nutrients and preservatives. Both were great options, but have been discontinued. We have heard they might be coming back and we will update this post as soon as we hear more about Loulouka’s availability!

Amazon Mama Bear: This formula was primarily available on Amazon, and was discontinued this year. While this formula was affordable, it wasn’t organic and contained a range of less-ideal ingredients like syrup solids, maltodextrin, etc.

Burt’s Bees: We love this brand overall, and they had an organic formula for infants that they sold through their website and in certain stores. Unfortunately, as of 2022, it has been discontinued.

Plum Organics Infant Formula: We don’t know why Plum Organics discontinued their infant formula, but it no longer appears in our guide since it’s no longer available.

Happy Tot Toddler Formula: This has been discontinued as of a few years ago.

Gerber Organic Formula: Also has been discontinued.

Note: Similac Organic Baby Formula seems to be out of stock, likely due to the formula shortage. It’s not one of our top picks, but it is worth mentioning since it can be a more budget-friendly option.

Best Organic Baby Formulas Comparison Chart

Below is a detailed chart ranking all of the best organic baby formulas, based on each of the ingredients in baby formula. You can see the differences between Kendamil vs. Hipp vs. Holle vs. Bobbie along with all of the other best baby formula brands. At the top of the chart, I’ve included a hypothetical line for the “ideal” formula. Use this line as a way to measure all of the other formulas against, to find the right baby formula for your child.

For anyone looking for a goat milk formula specifically, I have a separate formula comparison chart in this guide to the best goat milk formulas.

best organic baby formula rankings chart

Note: Regarding GrassFed and PureBliss – while they are popular formula brands, they are not part of my best organic baby formulas list (since they are not technically organic). But they are non-GMO and antibiotic-free, and their ingredients list is relatively clean, so I would say they are better than all of the non-organic formulas available in the US today.

Baby Formula Supplements: The Best Vitamin D, DHA, And Probiotics For Babies

Recommendations on Supplementing: DHA, Vitamin D, Probiotics For Infants and Babies

I have gotten a lot of questions about what to supplement with if your baby is on a formula that doesn’t have DHA added, what probiotic to use, or what to do if your baby is getting some breast milk along with their formula (in which case you need to add Vitamin D). Note: In 2022, the EU released new standards for DHA in baby formula and all of the EU formulas are now adhering to those standards. (Source).

If you are looking for additional supplementation for DHA, Vitamin D, and/or Probiotics, here are our top picks for baby supplements:

Best Vitamin D Supplement For Babies

Bobbie Vitamin D Drops is my top pick for vitamin D drops for babies and toddlers. They’re USDA organic certified, vegan, and there is literally nothing added to them (no flavors, colors, etc.). Additionally they are 3rd party tested, Clean Label Certified and were granted the Pesticide Free Award. All you need is 3 drops per day for your baby.

Another good option is Raise Them Well (keep in mind this supplement also contains Vitamin K). Lastly, I also like Baby Vitamin D Drops (which doesn’t contain Vitamin K). These are also liquid and you only need one drop in your baby’s bottle per day. You can also just apply the drop on your baby’s pacifier, on your nipple (if you’re nursing), or on your finger and have your baby suck it off. Super easy, tasteless, and pure. (Read more on why Vitamin D is important for babies).

Best DHA Supplement For Babies

The only Omega 3 supplement I’d recommend for kids is Nordic Naturals. They have an infant DHA supplement and a children’s DHA supplement – both of which are extremely pure, have no added preservatives or sugar, contain Vitamin D in addition to DHA, and are in liquid form so they can be added to just about anything!

Best Probiotics For Babies

Bobbie Probiotic Drops is one of my favorites for babies. These liquid probiotic drops can be used for infants (age 0-12 months) as well as kids, and includes 1 billion live cultures with two strains of probiotics. They’re virtually tasteless and can be mixed into just about anything. Not only that, they’re designed to help with colic and excessive crying, are organic, 3rd party tested, Clean Label Certified and were granted the Pesticide Free Award.

Other great options I like include: Garden of Life’s line of probiotics – they have one for babies, and one for kids. They are shipped cold and their kids one can be added to your baby’s bottle starting at 1 year of age and can be used even when your child gets older (just add the powder to their milk).

For older kids, Garden of Life also has a kids’ chewable probiotic if you need an option that doesn’t require refrigeration. They are a fantastic brand. In fact, I take their adult capsule daily.

Two other options I’d recommend are Klaire Labs’ powdered probiotic, and BioGaia’s probiotic for infants 0-3 months of age. For older kids, see this guide for the best probiotics for kids.

Best Prebiotics For Babies

There is only one prebiotic I’ve found that’s safe for toddlers age 1+ and has super high-quality ingredients and no stabilizers or artificial flavors/colors added. I recommend BeginHealth if you are looking to supplement with a prebiotic for your child. I haven’t found a prebiotic supplement for babies age 0-1. (Learn More: Begin Health Review).

How To Choose The Best Baby Food

For those of you transitioning to solids and looking for homemade baby food recipes, I have a bunch of easy recipes you can try here! But in those instances when you’re on the go and looking for a healthy, organic, pre-made option, my list of the healthiest baby food pouches should help.

Where Can You Buy The Best European Baby Formula In The US?

If you want to buy HiPPLebenswert, or Holle online, I have found a few online retailers who are either based in the US or ship reliably to the US! I’m in personal contact with the owners of all of these companie and I feel comfortable recommending all of them to you.

1. Organic’s Best

Organic’s Best is based in Germany and is passionate about making organic baby formula and baby food available internationally (to any family who wants it!) They carry the top organic formula options like HiPP Dutch, HiPP Germany, HiPP UK, Holle, Lebenswert, and Loulouka. They also carry HiPP HA, HiPP Comfort, and HiPP AR.

One thing that makes this company unique is that they have free shipping for all orders over $25 and they will guarantee express delivery between 1-4 business days to the US. Additionally, every new customer also receives two free boxes of formula! They have low prices, they include free shipping insurance for every order, and they guarantee the availability of all formulas – so you never have to worry about your favorites being out of stock!

2. Baby Milk Bar

Baby Milk Bar website photo.

Baby Milk Bar is a family run business based in Europe. They carry some of the widest selection of organic baby formula you will find! Each blend is handpicked by their team to ensure high quality formula to suit every baby’s needs.

They are committed to organic farming, so they carefully choose their manufacturers to ensure all of their formulas satisfy European and organic regulations.

They carry every brand you might want like HiPP DutchHiPP GermanLebenswert, Holle and Holle Goat milk formulas. They also carry HiPP HA & HiPP Comfort, among others. And they offer FREE shipping to the US and Canada for any orders over $100!

3. Bottles & Burps

Bottle & burps - where to buy the best organic baby formula

When it comes to affordability, Bottles & Burps is the lowest-priced US retailer I have found that sells some of the best organic formulas for babies like HiPP, Holle, Lebenswert and Kendamil. They can get all of these products to most US households in 5 days from their warehouses.

If you’re looking to save even more, you can order bundles direct from their warehouse in Germany (with free, express 2-5 day shipping to the US). Express shipping from Europe is important because the alternatives can take upwards of 30 days, often suffering additional customs delays.

They are committed to bringing high-quality, European formula to parents in the US at an attractive price. You can also get 20% off any single pack using the code PICKYEATER20 when shopping at Bottles and Burps! Just enter it manually in the checkout process!

4. Organic Baby Food 24

Organic baby food 24 logo.

Organic Baby Food 24 is a reputable, online retailer based in the EU that has fast shipping to the US! They have the best organic formula brands like HiPP, Lebenswert, and Holle, along with Hypoallergenic formula and Goat’s Milk formula. They have reasonable prices, reliable shipping (within 1-3 business days!), amazing customer support, and I have been in contact with the owner personally.

In addition to baby formula, they also have a variety of organic cereals and snacks for babies from HiPP/Holle/Leb, as well as a line of baby care products (shampoo, lotion, calendula) that are gentle and free of any synthetic ingredients so they are perfect for babies!

A few other great things about this company:

  • Best Price Guarantee: Should you find a lower price elsewhere within 48 hours of ordering and you contact them, they will match the lower rate.
  • Happy Baby Guarantee: If a formula isn’t right for your baby, you’ll receive a store credit for two boxes to try another brand.
  • Fast And Reliable Delivery: All orders are shipped using insured express delivery, guaranteeing their arrival in only 2-5 business days.
  • Comprehensive Expert Support: Their team of formula experts usually responds to your emails within just a few hours on average.
  • Discount Code: They are giving readers of The Picky Eater a 10% off coupon code at checkout – just use the code: PICKY and you will get the discount!

5. Organic Formula Shop

organic formula shop

Organic Formula Shop is a solid company that offers a reliable and convenient shopping solution for HiPP, Holle, and Lebenswert anywhere in the United States. Based in the Netherlands, their mission is to share their gathered knowledge about European Formulas with parents and caretakers globally via their website and excellent 24/7 customer support. They also recently launched a new online store for the Indian market.

They carry some of the best baby formula brands like HiPP DutchHiPP GermanHolle and Holle Goat’s milk formulas. They also carry the sensitive formulas HiPP HA & HiPP Comfort.

Some things that make this company unique: no matter your order size, all orders are delivered for free via Express Shipping within 3 to 5 business days. If the formula you order doesn’t work for your baby, Organic Formula Shop will work with you to find the right option immediately. They are one of the lowest-priced sellers out there and allow bulk purchasing with a 20% discount. Lastly, they even offer a Single Parent Scholarship designed to support a single mother or father with their college or graduate education! I would highly recommend them as a reputable place to order your HiPP and Holle formulas.

Baby Formula FAQs

What is the closest formula to breast milk?

Any formula that has a 60:40 whey to casein ratio, and contains the key vitamins and minerals necessary for infant development are very close to breast milk. HiPP Dutch, Bobbie Formula, Kendamil Formula, Holle, and Lebenswert are all close to breast milk.

Some US brands like Enfamil claim that they have the formula closest to breast milk because they include proteins found in colostrum, like lactoferrin, however, Enfamil is not organic so I wouldn’t choose that brand over the others listed above just for the lactoferrin.

What is the best baby formula?

There are many options in this guide for the healthiest baby formula! We would rank HiPP, Kendamil, Bobbie, Holle, and Lebenswert all at the top of the list of the healthiest and best baby formula options.

Is organic formula really better?

Organic formulas tend to be better compared to conventional formulas because they are free from antibiotics, chemical fertilizers, hormones, and more.

However, not all families may be able to choose organic formula. Other considerations such as price, or needing a hypoallergenic formula (which by definition will not be organic due to the hydrolyzed proteins), or availability should also be kept in mind when choosing a formula.

How long is baby formula good for?

According to the CDC, most baby formulas need to be used within 1 month of opening the container. Unopened formula can be good for up to 6-12 months (use the expiration date on the container to determine how long your formula is good for).

Can you mix formulas?

Theoretically yes, but this can be tricky depending on which formulas you’re trying to mix. If you want to mix formulas, consult your pediatrician first to make sure you’re following the correct standard mixing instructions. You might want to mix formulas if you either feel like your baby does well with a mix of two formulas, or if you are trying to slowly transition from one formula to another.

How do I know which baby formula to choose?

Here are some steps to help you make an informed choice when deciding which is the right formula for your baby:
1) Talk to your pediatrician first – they can provide recommendations based on your baby’s specific needs.
2) Determine the type of formula – cow’s milk, goat’s milk, hypoallergenic, vegan, etc. based on your baby’s age and any allergies or dietary restrictions.
3) Consider the ingredients list and choose formulas that have no sugar or syrup solids added, are non GMO, and meet your baby’s nutritional requirements.
4) Consider cost & budget! Always choose a formula that meets your budget constraints.

Final Thoughts

Not every baby likes every formula. Some formulas constipate or irritate some babies, yet keep other babies’ tummies perfectly happy. If you try the formulas I recommend and they don’t work for your baby – that is ok! 

There is no perfect formula, but some are still much better than others. If you can afford it, the best organic baby formulas are HiPP, Lebenswert, and Holle – so I’d recommend shipping your formula from Europe whenever possible.

Organic infant formulas are more expensive than regular formula, and not every parent has the financial means to buy organic formula for their little ones – and that’s ok, too! Just do the best you can for your baby.

Overall, I advocate a world of no judgments when it comes to breastfeeding or formula feeding. All you can do as a mom is your best. Whether you breastfeed for a year, or 6 months or 1 month, or 0 months doesn’t make you a better or worse mother. A happy healthy mom and happy healthy baby is all that matters.

I hope this post helped you find the right baby formula for you and your little one!

Appendix: More Info on Hexane Extracted DHA/ARA in Formula

I spoke with an expert who has her BS in Biology with a minor in Chemistry, who worked in an organic chemistry lab for 2 years and worked with many solvents used in extractions, compound purification, and analysis, and then went on to get an MS in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. She is extremely knowledgable when it comes to hexane and extraction methods, so I asked her for her thoughts on how concerned we should be about hexane-extracted DHA/ARA in the best organic baby formulas on this list. Here is the summary: 

  • Hexane is often used as extraction solvent for extracting fats. This is because it has a low boiling point when compared to most fats, which makes it easy to get rid of post-extraction – leaving the fat behind.
  • To get rid of Hexane, chemists use a large apparatus called a “rotary vap” that gets rid of the solvents and you end up with a pure powder substance (usually a chemical compound). The next step is to check the purity of the compound using a machine called an NMR or MS, which tells you whether you have any of your solvent left.
  • This woman told me that she never, ever found an issue with having hexane still present after drying her sample.
  • Since formulas are a powder, they are heated to the point of water removal, and therefore the hexane should be all gone. It is unlikely that hexane is left in properly treated formula, but you are placing trust in the formula and manufacturing industry that all formula is being properly prepared.
  • Note: All oils that don’t have a cold-pressed process are extracted using hexane – this includes corn oil, soy oil, vegetable oil, etc. (unless otherwise specified on the bottle). Hexane is also used during the development process for drugs – many drugs are purified in a hexane solvent and then it is dried off. So if you are going to question hexane, you need to be aware of the other areas where it is used in our regular food and drug supply!
  • When it comes to being concerned about hexane vs. other questionable ingredients in organic formulas – maltodextrin, soy oil, etc., I’d be more concerned about maltodextrin vs. hexane extracted DHA. This is because maltodextrin’s glycemic index is much higher than table sugar and I personally believe a lot of issues today come from sugar and inflammation, and even when hexane is used it should be gone by the time the formula is packaged.
  • Unfortunately, there is no formula out there that doesn’t have at least one of the “offending” ingredients in formula milk that I have listed above! For me personally, I would choose hexane-extracted DHA over maltodextrin or soy oil for example. This is because soy oil is also extracted using hexane, and maltodextrin has an extremely high glycemic index. In addition, formulas that contain soy oil or maltodextrin are 100% guaranteed to contain these ingredients, versus hexane which is likely not traceable in a formula that has used it as a method to extract DHA/ARA before the formula has been prepared!

1,236 responses to “Best Organic And Cleanest Baby Formulas (2024 Guide)”

  1. Hi Anjali,

    I’m so confused on how to prepare baby’s formula? I just bought Holle and the instructions say to use boiling water after it’s cooled for 30 minutes. Does warm water kill bacteria? Or should I use water that is boiling hot to make sure we kill any pathogens that may be in the formula since it’s not sterile?

    Also, the US formulas don’t include boiling water in their instructions.


    • Hi Lisa! Yes all of the EU based formulas recommend boiling the water, cooling it, and then using that to mix the formula — mainly for killing bacteria like you guessed. It’s just because the EU has higher standards for food than the US does (which is why the US instructions don’t insist on boiling water). You can probably mix the boiling hot water with the formula but it’s not necessary and I also wouldn’t pour boiling hot water into a plastic baby bottle. I’d recommend just boiling the water, cooling it and storing it in the fridge in a container, and then using some of the water every time you mix formula. But bottled water or filtered tap water will work just fine as long as you have a good water source for your home! Hope that helps!

  2. Thanks so much for the info! I’ve recently started my 9 week old on lebenswert. He is also bf. Can you tell me if I need to be giving him dha and/or probiotics?

    • Hi Daniela! If your 9 week old is also breastfeeding you may not need to give him DHA or probiotics. I’d say if he’s doing over 50% breastmilk, then he is probably fine. There’s no harm in adding in extra DHA/probiotics, but I don’t think it’s necessary if you’re breastfeeding. But if you see him having digestive issues (gas/etc.), you can always supplement with probiotics. Hope that helps!

  3. Thank you for such informative analysis.

    Will you recommend Holle Goat Milk based formula for my 1-month old? I don’t get what are the differences between the 3 stages. I looked up and just found that they contain larger amount of iron from each stage beyond.

    Have the ingredients changed since 2014?

    • Hi Nicole! Holle Goat Milk Stage 1 should work just fine for your 1 month old. You’re right, the main difference between the stages is the amount of iron. That’s because infants 0-6 months old retain their iron stores from birth, so they don’t need as much iron in their formula. But infants older than 6 months lose their iron stores, so they need more iron in their formula. Given that I’d stick with stage 1 until your baby is older than 6 months, and then you can switch to the other stages. For the ingredients, I don’t believe they have changed. You can find the latest ingredients list here. Hope that helps! 🙂

      • Hi Anjali, thanks for answering my questions. I have started feeding formula to my 2 month. I still got a couple of questions that I couldn’t find from credited sources. I hope you can help me out from this one.

        I ordered the Hipp Bio Combiotik the first time on Germany version. It came in paper box. The second time I ordered the Dutch version Bio Combiotik because it is easier to prepare from the hard container. However, I noticed some nutrients from both contained different amounts of nutrients that indicated on the table. Should I be concerned? (Let me know if I can send you the pictures I took on both to show you.)

        Also, I started to concern if those formula from overseas ever have counterfeit on the market. Is it safe to buy from Organic Munchkin and any other sites from above? And how do those owners keep their stocks to prevent the formula exposing to heats or other possible factors to cause the product go bad. And making sure the quality is in safe condition to sell?

        Sorry if those questions got irrelevant. I’m a new mom who doesn’t have much knowledge on baby food yet. Please guide me. Thank you for your valuable time.

      • Hi Nicole! Good questions. So yes, the ingredients for HiPP Dutch vs. HiPP Germany vs. HiPP UK are all slightly different, because of the different regulations/etc. in each country. I prefer the HiPP Dutch version among the 3 because I think the ingredients are the best. As far as the nutrients, they should all be fairly close in terms of quantities — they might be slightly different between the 3 but I’d be surprised if they are drastically different – so I wouldn’t worry too much about that. The two sites I recommend above: Organic Munchkin and MyOrganicFormula are highly reputable. They purchase the formula directly from distributors in Europe, and Organic Munckin’s formulas are not irradiated because they ship through containers and not air 90% of the time. Organic Munckin has sent me pictures of their shipments and I have seen the labels – and I have seen pictures of their storage facilities and massive warehouses to ensure that the formula is safe to sell and consume. That’s why I only list Organic Munchkin and MyOrganicFormula in this post – because I have spoken to the owners of both companies in detail and feel confident that their supply chain is authentic and that their formulas come straight from Europe to homes in the US! Hope that helps, let me know if you have any other questions!

      • Is the Bio Combiotik from Hipp okay for babies who are not required for additional nutrition or special needs? Since it already contained Vitamin D from stage 1, do I need to add extra to it? When do I need to shift to the next stage and next?

        And what is the difference between hungry infant and first infant compared to the Bio Combiotik? Why do they have different country versions? Are the ingredients still be the same? I still got very confused on this one after reading on the sites.

      • Hi Nicole, If your baby doesn’t have any allergies or special needs nutritionally, HiPP Bio Combiotik is a great choice for your baby. Breastfed babies are generally the ones who need to supplement with Vitamin D, because that’s the one vitamin missing from breastmilk – but if your baby is exclusively on formula you probably don’t need to supplement. I’d double check with your pediatrician on that one though! The hungry infant milk is for babies who either need more calories or for overnight feeding – but it’s not necessary. You can just go from Stage 1 to Stage 2 (which is called “follow on milk”) after 6 months. The main difference between stage 1 and 2 is that stage 2 has more iron in it, because infants lose their iron stores after 6 months of age. So I’d recommend doing Stage 1 from 0-6 months, and Stage 2 from 6-12 months. After your baby turns 1 you can switch to organic cow’s milk. Hope that helps!

  4. Hi Anjali!

    so after reading your blog, I’m leaning on trying HIPP. My LO is 6 months old now and will try stage 2. What is the difference between the bio combiotic and the regular bio one? don’t both have prebiotics?


    • Hi Lisa! HiPP is great! We used that for Layla and she did really well on it. So I’m guessing you’re asking about the difference between HiPP UK (which is just regular Combiotic), and HiPP Bio Combiotik – which is the German version of the formula? You are right, both have prebiotics. The main difference is that Bio Combiotik uses “Starch” as an ingredient instead of “Lactose”. Regular Combiotic (the UK version) uses Lactose as the carbohydrate/sugar. Given that I’d recommend the UK version (regular Combiotic) vs. the German version (Bio Combiotik). Hope that helps!

      • I was on the HiPP Organic UK site and they announced a product update as of May 2016 that their follow on milk now contains soya. Is that a bad thing?

      • Hi Lisa! I saw that update too but I have been unable to find an updated ingredients list for their follow on milk – so it’s unclear where the soy is being included. If they’re using soy lecithin, that’s a thickener, so it’s not ideal but not terrible. If they’re using another soy product like soy protein, I wouldn’t recommend it. To be safe you might want to just buy the Dutch version of the follow on milk for HiPP or go with Stage 2 of Holle Leb!

  5. I really love your research!!! Do you know if Holle Lebenswert stage 1 is ok to use for babies 6 months and up?

    • Thanks so much Lisa! From what I’ve heard, Leb stage 1 is best for infants 0-6 months old. My guess is that Leb stage 1 doesn’t have enough iron in it for babies older than 6+ months (since after 6 months, infants lose their iron stores they’ve had since birth). Hope that helps!

  6. Hi,

    Great blog. I want to be sure everyone knows about Holle & Lebesnwert formulas. I use these for my baby and oh my, the difference was amazing. It feels so good to know he’s not sick all the time anymore!!!!! I found an amazing supplier, . They ship so incredibly fast and they answer all my questions, love them. But more then anything, I love love love holle.

    • Thanks so much Mary! And thank you for sharing your experience – so glad Holle has worked for you and your baby! 🙂

  7. Hello,
    I’m from Burnaby BC and we get our formula from
    They are located in Germany and have extremely good prices.
    Takes about 2 weeks to get the parcel but we get used to order in time and save a lot of money on Holle formula now.

  8. I’m in Canada, and currently use Holle lebenswert stage 1 and transitioning to stage 2. Do you know of a reputable place to order from that ships to Canada? I am nervous of ordering baby formula online and want to make sure I am getting the best and safest formula.

    • Hi Megan! I have two options for you 🙂 1) Organic Munchkin is my #1 recommended seller of Leb and they ship to Canada — they will pass the shipping cost onto you – so the cost of shipping depends on where in Canada you live and how large your order is. 2) MyOrganicFormula is another reputable seller of Leb who ships to Canada. They offer free shipping for orders greater than $280 USD (so if you’re buying in bulk they’re a good option!) If your order is less than $280 USD, they charge $49 for shipping. Both of these sellers are great and I know them both personally. And depending on how much formula you are planning on ordering, Organic Munchkin could be cheaper or MyOrganicFormula could be cheaper on the shipping front. Hope that helps! Let me know if you have any other questions!

      • Thanks for getting back to me. I actually emailed organic munchkin and they don’t ship to Canada, I hope the other place still does, even though they have a higher price it way work out in the shipping. Have you heard of beyond organic baby at all?

      • Although I don’t know why they told me they don’t.. I see its an option to ship to there as well as lots of other places .. Hm weird

      • Just tried to order from organic munchin and even though you can select Canada as an option to ship they don’t actually ship here 🙁

      • Aw man! That’s frustrating – so sorry about that! MyOrganicFormula definitely ships to Canada, so I’d recommend ordering from them. They are great as well and if you buy in bulk you’ll get free shipping! Let me know if that works!

  9. Hi Anjali,

    Very informative post, thanks for all the information on a very confusing topic. I was curious about your opinion of DHA/ARA supplementation in general, the studies I’ve read are pretty non-conclusive leaning towards some mild benefits or no statistically significantly benefits at all. I was planning on using the Baby’s Only Whey, but the lack of DHA/ARA has me a little concerned. And best I can tell HiPP has DHA/ARA and Holle does not.

    Also it appears that Baby’s Only is the only brand that doesn’t use a fungal derived ARA, the ingredients for UK HiPP list “vegetable oil from Morteriella alpina” (from which I believe is generally ARA extracted from Morteriella fungi using hexane among other things as a solvent. Would this fact change your ranking for HiPP? Thanks again for all the very useful information, it’s been a great help in figuring this out.

    • Hi Rajeev! Thanks so much for reaching out and I’m so glad you found this post helpful! Regarding DHA/ARA — my main reason for wanting that as part of the formula is because DHA/ARA exists in breastmilk — so when looking for a formula that’s as close to breastmilk as possible, DHA/ARA are a “nice to have” ingredient, but as you said, not critical. Regarding Baby’s Only with Whey — you’re right that they don’t seem to use fungal derived ARA. It is too bad that HiPP derives ARA from fungi, but at least their DHA comes from fish! The only issue I’ve found with Baby’s Only with Whey is that it doesn’t really have much Choline in it (it only has 12mg per 100 calories, and infants need up to 150mg choline per day). HiPP has more choline and will meet any infants choline needs. As for the rankings – honestly it’s just a question of what you feel more comfortable with: a formula with enough choline but with fungal derived ARA (HiPP), or a formula without adequate choline with non-fungal-derived ARA! They are both good choices, but neither one is perfect. I hope that helps, let me know if you have any other questions!

    • That’s good to know Jane! Thank you so much for the update! The good news is you can use HiPP stage 1 for the entire first year of life — so if you’re using HiPP and like it, you may not have to switch to stage 2 at all 🙂

    • Hi Lisa! Yes, Plum Organics Formula does have whey protein concentrate as one of the ingredients. I don’t think whey protein helps babies poop better – I haven’t seen any correlation between whey protein and babies pooping (or not pooping!) Hope that helps!

      • Thanks for your quick response. Would you happen to know the whey to Caesin ration in the Plum formula?

      • Hi Lisa! I don’t know the exact ratio, but it sounds like Plum Organics tries to mimic the Whey to Caesin ratio of breast milk — here’s a quote from their product info page: “Whey, and its best friend, casein, are two types of protein found in both cow’s milk and human breast milk. These two powerhouse proteins help support many different functions including growth and development. While cow’s milk is higher in casein, the opposite is true for human breast milk, which is relatively higher in whey protein. Whey protein is easier for babies to digest than casein. All infant formulas, including ours, are created with the intent to be gentle on baby’s digestive system.” <-- so my guess is that if they're making their formula easy to digest, they're using more whey protein vs. caesin in the formula - similar to breastmilk. Hope that helps!

  10. Hello I was just wondering if you know more about the plum organic I ordered the baby only normal not the whey but I was wondering about the plum if it’s new might have some issues. It’s all confusing I have 10 month old and trying to supplement because I am tired or brestfeeding sorry to say.

    • Hi Bethany! I completely understand what you’re going through – all of the options are definitely confusing and you have every right to stop breastfeeding when you feel like you are done! Regarding Plum Organic’s formula – it is new so I haven’t heard too much about it, but everyone who I know who has used it hasn’t had any issues with it. I’d definitely try that before the Baby’s Only with Brown Rice Syrup. If your baby does well with it, just go with it! Hope that helps, let me know if you have any questions and keep me posted on how it goes!

  11. I recently switched to Baby’s Only Whey, I had been using the lactoRelief one but did not like the fact it had brown rice syrup; since then she’s been a little constipated… Besides probiotics that she already takes is there anything else I can do and should I get supplement for RHA DHA?

    • Hi Paula! We supplemented Layla with Nordic Naturals for Babies — which we were really happy with as a DHA supplement. I’m sorry to hear that your little one has been constipated on Baby’s Only with Whey! Sometimes some formulas just don’t work with some babies — there isn’t much you can do if she’s already taking probiotics with the formula. If she continues to be constipated, you’ll probably just have to switch to a different formula. I’d give it a few days to adjust and if she’s still constipated/uncomfortable – maybe try Plum Organics or Honest Co or one of the European formulas (HiPP/Holle) and see how she does? Hope that helps, keep me posted and let me know if you have any other questions!

  12. Hi there! Which Stage 1 Hipp formula would you recommend purchasing from the Organic Munchkin website? I see they have 3 choices – Dutch Version, UK Version and one other that is not specified. Is there a difference in the ingredients? Thank you!!

    • Hi Morgan! I’d recommend the UK version — all 3 versions are essentially the same, but the UK version will have the directions and ingredients in English, which is always a plus 🙂 Hope that helps!

    • Hi Morgan,
      dont they send english translations and instructions along with the german or dutch products?
      I always order Hipp BIO STAGE 1 on the myorganicformula website (great price when on subscription) and they always send out additional english directions and ingredients with every product
      JFY there is a substantial difference between the German and UK formulation. The German Bio line of HiPP is similar to the Combiotic line but is a slightly different formulation with no prebiotics and no probiotics. The Bio line contains starch solids, whereas the Combiotic line (at least the British formulation) does not.
      hope this helps

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