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Hello! I’m Anjali. I’m a board certified health coach, author, wife, mom and food lover from the SF Bay area (now living in Seattle, WA!); with a passion for delicious food and a desire to make healthy eating easy, tasty and fun! Learn more about me here and stay for a while!

Anjali Shah

The Picky Eater Meal Plan (Week 1)

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Hi Everyone! I’m super excited to announce the launch of my weekly meal plans. Over the years I’ve gotten lots of questions from all of you about what I eat on a weekly basis, how I meal plan, etc. And so I thought the easiest thing to do would be to just share what we are actually eating on a weekly basis and how we balance things out!

Some of my general rules for weekly meal planning:

  • Breakfasts for us are always some version of oatmeal – I just mix things up by changing toppings every so often. If you’re looking for a bit more variety, try one of these vegetarian breakfast recipes.
  • Lunches are usually either leftovers, or one of these easy recipes here.
  • For dinner: I alternate between super fast meals that are still healthy, and meals that might take a bit more time (no more than 45 min – 1 hour to make). I like variety but it’s hard to figure out variety 3 times a day every day, so I keep our breakfasts and lunches simple, and change things up each night for dinner!

For this week (Week 1), here is our dinner plan: 

  • Monday: Cheesy Quinoa and Black Bean Casserole
  • Tuesday: Veggie Burgers
  • Wednesday: Leftovers! –> The black bean casserole will last for 3 days in the Fridge, and freezes great too!
  • Thursday: Mexican Pizzas –>This week I’m adding chopped baby spinach to the pizza – I’ll add it as a topping underneath the cheese, and then bake so the cheese melts over the spinach and the rest of the veggies.
  • Friday: Eat out!
  • Saturday: Healthy Garlic Pasta with Veggies –> You can use any veggies and any pasta you like for this recipe! This week I’m using: 4 zucchini chopped, 3 yellow peppers chopped, 1 onion diced, and 1 box baby spinach, chopped with whole wheat penne.
  • Sunday: Curried Cauliflower Soup –> I’m serving this with a simple grilled cheese on sprouted wheat bread: two slices sprouted wheat bread, 1 slice of your favorite cheese (I like pepperjack), and olive oil cooking spray. Spray your griddle, and the grilled cheeses should be ready in 5 minutes!

If you’re looking for quick and easy meals you can make in under 30 minutes, check out my Last Minute Dinner Ideas!

For those of you who are new to meal planning, you can do it! Just follow this plan, make a shopping list, go shopping and make it happen! For those of you who are looking for even more healthy, kid-friendly, and super easy meal ideas (that kids can even help make in the kitchen), pick up a copy of my newest cookbook here! It will arrive on your doorstep on October 9th, 2018!

Happy cooking everyone!

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