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Hello! I’m Anjali. I’m a board certified health coach, author, wife, mom and food lover from the SF Bay area (now living in Seattle, WA!); with a passion for delicious food and a desire to make healthy eating easy, tasty and fun! Learn more about me here and stay for a while!

Anjali Shah

Why Hint Water is My Favorite Way to Stay Hydrated

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Staying hydrated throughout the day is super important to me. Your body is over 50% water — so it makes sense that drinking water is essential for a healthy lifestyle! But what I’ve heard from people I’ve worked with is that even when trying to lose weight or get healthy, it’s hard to JUST drink water if you’re used to sodas and other flavored drinks. And honestly, even I get bored of just plain water all the time. But soda, juice and other sugary drinks are some of the worst things you can put into your body – even diet soda messes with your body’s insulin response and can lead to weight gain.

The great news is, there healthy options OTHER than water that you can drink. You can make them yourself (e.g. infuse fresh fruit into water) – but that can be time consuming. Luckily there’s an option that’s healthy, doesn’t contain diet sweeteners and is pre-made that will keep you drinking water all day long!

hint water bottle against peach colored background

Hint is a fruit infused beverage that contains zero calories, diet sweeteners or preservatives. It was interesting to find out that the founder of Hint, Kara Goldin, developed it when she was trying to kick a diet-soda habit. After realizing there were no other alternatives on the market, she decided to take matters into her own hands. She figured out that if she boiled the peel of the fruit in water, she would end up with all the fruit flavors and none of the calories, or diet sweeteners. After just 3 weeks of replacing her soda with her new flavored water, she lost weight, her skin cleared, and her energy was back.

hint water bottle against peach colored background

I love that drinking a bottle of Hint is basically like  drinking plain water, only it tastes delicious. It has all of the hydrating benefits with none of the calories or preservatives. They have so many different flavors, like Watermelon and Blackberry, so it’s easy to find your favorite!

hint water bottle on wooden cutting board

As a health coach, I can confidently say drinking Hint has helped my clients drink more water and cut down on their sugar intake. For me, Hint has just been a great, convenient, healthy addition to mix up my daily water intake. It’s also super kid-friendly and a great way to avoid giving your kids juice which can be loaded with sugar. If you need a bit of great taste in your day, Hint hits the spot.

Did I mention that it’s super affordable too? You can start by trying 36 bottles for $36 for new customers and you get FREE shipping! It’s great to know that I can have it delivered straight to my door, so I can always grab a bottle anytime to enjoy great tasting water!

The folks at Hint are offering a special promotion to my readers! Follow this link to get 36 bottles for $36 PLUS free shipping!

51 responses to “Why Hint Water is My Favorite Way to Stay Hydrated”

  1. Hint kick is awesome!! Need the caffeine to turn my brain on. Peach pear and cherry are my fav’s. Not a fan of the fizz….too bitter

  2. I have become a HINT addict! After having a painful kidney stone attack, I now need to drink a minimum of 2L of water per day. Combining HINT with plain water helps me to achieve that goal!! Only drawback is the bottle size. I am environmentally conscious and wish there were bigger bottles to reduce waste.

  3. I have been a hint drinker since the beginning. It is an amazing alternative to plain water. I have tried to get my granddaughter to drink hint for two years. No luck! It has been extremely hot this summer. She isn’t alowed to have soda so she gave hint another try. This time she tried pineapple. At nine years old she is hooked on hint. She even plans on taking hint to school in her thermos bottle. Yea, for hint!

    • That is so great you got your granddaughter to love hint and avoid soda! I agree it really is a wonderful alternative to plain water while still being good for you!

  4. How can I get the different flavors? My store only sells the cases with the variety of watermelon, blackberry, pineapple and cherry.

  5. I’ve been drinking HINT for two years. During this time, I have, of course, found my true love flavors and the ones I can leave behind. (Only a couple) I don’t care, personally, for the fizzy ones. I have even gotten my DOCTOR and her family hooked on Hint!! lol!! And, the best part, since I only drink Hint and water now all day long, I have lost 27 lbs!! When Target has it on sale, I go fill up my buggy, even though I do have auto delivery. You just can’t beat a $1.00 a bottle. Also, HEB will have it on sale for a $1.00 sometimes.
    IMO, the best ones are: Cherry, pineapple, watermelon, crisp apple, lemon, raspberry, peach pineapple and at Christmas I buy peppermint. Ohmygosh, if you haven’t tried it, you should!

  6. Target sometimes has sales on it ($1 each for $10). I love Hint, and I subscribed to get it delivered to my house. But the price is excessive, since it doesn’t take much ingredients. Also, the bottles are heavy, and I don’t know if they are recycled or not. They should sell bigger bottles. Pineapple, cherry, and watermelon are my favorites. My teenagers love them, also! Here’s a Hint about Hint: don’t throw the bottle away after drinking…the bottle still keeps a bit of flavor, so fill it up again with water!

  7. I have just discovered Hint. It is exactly what I was looking for! Very refreshing and I love the fact it has no calories! My favorite is the lemon cayenne.

    • I’m so happy to hear that Patricia! Omg I haven’t tried the lemon cayenne yet – that sounds awesome!

  8. Love the blackberry, pineapple, raspberry and crisp apple flavors. Really helps me to leave pop behind.

      • I love hint and ordered a while back..I wanted the sparkling water but I was sent stores do not carry sparkling hint.

      • That’s great that you love Hint! I usually just order mine online so that’s what I’d suggest!

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