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Hello! I’m Anjali. I’m a board certified health coach, author, wife, mom and food lover from the SF Bay area (now living in Seattle, WA!); with a passion for delicious food and a desire to make healthy eating easy, tasty and fun! Learn more about me here and stay for a while!

Anjali Shah

The Best Goat Milk Formula (2024 Guide)

This post may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Please read my disclosure.

This in-depth, parent-friendly guide will help you find and buy the best goat milk formula for your baby. You will learn why you should consider goat milk formula and why it can be a great alternative to cow’s milk, which ingredients to avoid in formula, and where you can reliably purchase goat formulas for your baby. I update this post monthly to ensure that all of the information below is recent and accurate!

Photo of best goat milk formula bottle in front of a mom holding a baby in the background.

So many of you have come across my best organic baby formula post – and I’m so glad that post has been helpful! One of the most common questions I get when it comes to baby formula is: What about goat milk formula? Is it better than cow’s milk formula? And which one is the best?

Originally, goat milk was only readily available in Europe or through European-based subscription services, but the FDA approved goat milk formulas for sale during the 2022 formula shortage to expand formula offerings. Since being approved, more research has been done on goat’s milk formulas and it has been found that it is just as nutritious and good for babies as traditional cow’s milk formula (source). 

In general, goat milk formula can be a good option for babies. It is generally easier to digest and contains a different type of casein protein (more on that below!), making it a potentially good option for babies who just aren’t tolerating cow’s milk formula well. If possible, I always recommend choosing an organic baby formula, and therefore an organic goat milk formula, whenever possible to avoid GMOs, synthetic ingredients, non-organic pesticides, and hormones.

Read on to find out everything you need to know about goat milk-based infant formula, the different brands of goat milk formula available, and which one is the best option for your baby!

But First, A Quick Disclaimer

As a board certified health coach and certified nutritionist, I support products and ingredients that are rooted in science and are evidence-based. Using my background in nutrition, along with extensive research, consultations with experts, and my own personal experience giving my two kids formula, I was able to arrive at this list of the best goat milk formula for babies in this guide. This post has also been medically reviewed and fact checked by Katie Drakeford, MA, RD, CSP, LD, CLC (see my about page for more info about Katie).

Though I may receive a commission (at no extra expense to you) if you purchase through some of the affiliate links provided, I only recommend products I’ve researched, evaluated, consulted experts on, and would feel comfortable giving to my own two children. 

As always, I only share products that are the highest quality and that can help you and your family the most. By purchasing any of these products from the links below, you help keep this blog running, so thanks for your support!

Keep in mind that every baby & situation is different, so when it comes to choosing a baby formula, please consult with your pediatrician first before starting or switching to a new formula. My recommendations are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

What Is Goat Milk Formula?

Goat milk formula is a type of infant formula that is made from goat’s milk instead of cow’s milk. It is formulated to meet the nutritional needs of babies who are either exclusively formula-fed or who require supplemental feeding in addition to breastfeeding.

There are also goat milk toddler formulas that are ideal for toddlers ages 12-24 months. Some brands of goat milk even have an early infant formula (for babies aged 0-6 months).

Goat milk-based formula contains a blend of essential nutrients, including protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals (including iron), that are necessary for a baby’s growth and development. Goat milk formula is safe for newborns – a recent study showed that goat milk formula for newborn babies worked just as well as breast milk when it came to growth and safety.

Infant goat milk formula may be recommended for babies who are allergic to cow’s milk or who have difficulty digesting it, as goat’s milk is considered to be more easily digestible than cow’s milk for some babies (source). But it’s not solely meant for babies with sensitive digestive systems, as it’s not a hypoallergenic formula and is formulated for all babies.

Note: If you are considering switching to goat milk formula (or before transitioning to any infant formula), make sure to speak with your pediatrician first!

What Are The Benefits Of Goat Milk Formula?

Goat milk infant formula can be a nutritious option for your baby. Here are a few of its most significant benefits: 

  • Anti-inflammatory: The goat milk that the formula is made from is very high in oligosaccharides which are also found in high quantities in breast milk. They have prebiotic and anti-inflammatory properties which promote and aid in the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut, reducing inflammation (source). 
  • Digestion: There are many reasons why goat’s milk is easier to digest. First of all, the milk predominantly contains A2 proteins (check out the next section to learn more) instead of A1 proteins, which have been clinically proven to have fewer digestive problems compared to A1 proteins (source). The protein in the milk, when interacting with stomach acid, also forms a softer curd (similar to that of the curds formed from breast milk) than cow’s milk curds, and are therefore easier for a baby’s tummy to process. Finally, the shorter-chain fatty acids in goat’s milk are more readily absorbed than the longer-chained fatty acids found in cow’s milk, making it a more gentle option. 
  • Eczema: Recent studies are finding that eczema, or atopic dermatitis might occur less frequently in infants receiving goat’s milk formula compared to cow’s milk formula (source).

For even more benefits, check out this list of the top 10 Benefits of Goat Milk Formula for babies.

How Is Goat Milk Formula Different From Cow’s Milk Formula?

Goat milk formulas and cow’s milk formulas are very similar in nutritional content. They both contain the right balance of vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats, and carbohydrates that are important for your baby’s growth and development.

There are a few differences between the two types of formulas that may make goat milk-based formula a better choice for your baby:

  • Lactose: First, goat milk contains less lactose than cow milk (source), making it easier to digest, especially for babies who are sensitive to lactose.
  • A2 Protein: Goat milk is made up of A2 casein protein, whereas there is A1 casein protein in cow’s milk. A2 protein is supposed to be easier to digest when compared to A1 (source).
  • Fat Composition: Goat milk has smaller fat globules (medium chain fatty acids; source), compared to cow’s milk which has more long-chain fatty acids – which can be harder for your baby’s digestive system to break down.
  • Nutritional Content: Whereas all of the goat milk formulas listed in this post are approved by the FDA or the European Commission for being a complete source of infant nutrition, the natural nutritional content of cow milk and goat milk does differ. Goat milk is naturally a great source of vitamin A, calcium, and essential fatty acids (source), though cow’s milk formula is fortified with these nutrients so the end versions of the two formulas don’t differ greatly in their nutritional value. 
  • Taste: Goat milk formula can have a stronger flavor than cow’s milk, though it is often creamier and sweeter. Because of this, all babies may not prefer it. 
  • Price: Cow’s milk formula tends to be more affordable than goat’s. 
  • Availability: Historically, cow’s milk formula was much more easy to find in the United States than goat’s milk formula. During the 2022 formula shortage, however, the FDA approved goat milk-based formula to be sold in the United States, now making it easier to find in stores. You can also purchase the formula through many popular subscription services
  • Sustainability: Goat milk is often considered a more ethical and sustainable alternative to cow milk, as goats require less land, water, and feed than cows to produce the same amount of milk. Goats are also used to clear overgrown grassy areas in some wildfire-prone areas like Northern California to reduce wildfire risk

For more details on what the pros & cons are of goat milk vs. cow milk formula, check out my guide to Goat Milk Formula vs. Cow’s Milk Formula.

Is Goat Milk Formula Better For Babies?

The answer is: it depends! Goat milk formula can be a better option for some babies (source), but not for others, and it all depends on each baby’s individual needs and circumstances such as allergies, digestive issues, and nutritional needs.

Goat milk formula is designed to provide excellent nutrition to all babies (source), and some babies will do better on goat milk formula because of the reduced lactose, easier-to-digest fats, and A2 milk proteins. For babies who do not tolerate cow milk-based formula well, goat milk formula may be a good alternative. However, some babies may not like the taste of goat milk formula, or they may get constipated on goat milk vs. cow milk formula. If your baby is doing well on cow milk formula, there may be no need to switch to goat milk formula (and vice versa).

Ultimately, there is no way to know whether goat milk formula will be better for your baby without consulting your pediatrician and possibly a little bit of trial and error.

Ideal Goat’s Milk Formula Ingredients

Here is what to look for when choosing a goat milk formula: 

Ideally organic, or at least non-GMO. If the milk is imported from the EU or New Zealand that’s even better because you end up with high standards for the treatment of animals and the processing of milk. Holle Formulas, Jovie, and HiPP are all organic and are all produced in the EU; Nanny Care is produced in New Zealand.

Primary carbohydrate is lactose. No syrup solids, sugar, glucose syrup, maltodextrin, or other added sugars should be used.

60:40 whey-to-casein ratio. Breastmilk has a 60:40 whey-to-casein ratio, so it’s ideal for formulas to mimic this same ratio to avoid digestion issues, constipation, gas, and discomfort in babies. Goat milk naturally has a 20:80 whey-to-casein ratio, so many goat milk formulas will also end up with that same ratio. Human milk contains more whey than casein – and goat milk contains much more casein than whey – so a formula that adds goat whey protein will be easier for babies to digest. An alternative is for formula brands to add other ingredients like healthy fats and prebiotics – as Jovie does – to aid in smooth digestion despite the whey-to-casin ratio.

Addition of Omega 3 & 6 fatty acids.  Omega-3 fatty acids (DHA) and omega-6 fatty acids (ARA) should be added for healthy brain development and to match what’s naturally found in human breast milk.

Prebiotics added. These bolster gut health as well as immune system support. Ideally, probiotics are added as well, but you can also supplement with probiotics for formulas that don’t contain it, whereas it is much harder to supplement with prebiotics for infants.

No highly processed ingredients. This includes carrageenan, soy protein (soybean oil is ok), ingredients processed with hexane, glucose syrup solids, and more. A note about hexane: most often, DHA is commonly extracted with hexane but other ingredients can be extracted as well. 

Texture. Is the formula easy to mix and does it dissolve well? Smooth and creamy formulas tend to be more tolerable for babies, whereas chalky or lumpy ones aren’t always favorites. 

Gluten-free. Most formulas are naturally gluten-free, but it’s important for the manufacturing facilities the formulas are produced in to not have any cross-contamination issues as well.

A note about palm oil and soy lecithin: These two ingredients are not ideal and are more processed, but are not as “harmful” as something like glucose syrup solids or GMO ingredients added to the formula. It can sometimes be impossible to find a formula that both meets your budget and all of the criteria above. So if you find a formula that meets these standards but happens to include either palm oil or soy lecithin, but works well for your baby, I would still recommend using it. The reason I have ranked Jovie Goat Milk formula as #1 is because it’s the only formula I have found that meets all of these criteria and also does not include soy lecithin or palm oil!

Ingredients To Avoid In Formula

Synthetic DHA and ARA: DHA and ARA are naturally found in breast milk. When added to a formula it is often extracted using hexane. DHA and ARA that are extracted using a different process, such as cold extraction, are preferred. 

GMOs: Look for formulas that are certified non-GMO. If you buy an organic formula, it is automatically non-GMO. GMOs are concerning because they are genetically engineered crops that are made to be resistant to glyphosate (RoundUp) – the residue of which can end up in food.

Carrageenan: This ingredient has been banned in Europe but is still used in formulas in the US. It is known to cause inflammation in the intestines and therefore isn’t good to feed to infants (source).

Soy or soy-based products: Too much soy given to infants may lead to health complications in the future (source).

Palm Oil: Palm oil is in most US formulas. It is not environmentally friendly and can cause digestive issues in some babies. It can also limit calcium and fat absorption (source), but, like I mentioned above, this one is hard to avoid for the most part!

For more baby nutrition options beyond bottle feeding, check out my best organic baby food recipes!

Quick Picks: Best Goat Milk Formulas

Here is my “at a glance” view of the best goat milk baby formula based on different needs. Looking for a budget-friendly clean baby formula? A goat milk toddler formula? A European goat milk formula? The best overall? We have you covered.

We chose these formulas based on: over 100 hours of research, speaking with thousands of parents on what has worked for their children (along with personal experience with my own two kids), reviewing the ingredients of every goat formula brand on the market, speaking with doctors and pediatricians, and reviewing countless articles and peer-reviewed studies. There aren’t as many goat’s milk formula options as there are cow’s milk formula options. That said, there are a few high quality goat milk formulas, and more coming on the market now that they are more readily recommended by pediatricians.

Further down in this guide, you will find a detailed list of the top 10 best goat milk formulas, one runner-up, and why we love each of these options.

Which Goat Formula Is Best?

Of these formulas, the European version of Jovie Goat Milk Formula is by far the best goat milk baby formula, and the best organic goat milk formula, on the market today. 

If I was going to give my own child a goat milk baby formula, I would choose Jovie Goat Formula.

Why Jovie Goat Milk Formula Is The Best

Jovie Goat Milk Formula is a great product and is ideal for healthy development for a few reasons:

  1. Whole Goat Milk: Made with whole A2 Goat Milk instead of skimmed milk like most other formulas. This 100% full cream goat’s milk is also loaded with prebiotics. Goat milk protein is also easier to digest than cow’s milk protein.
  2. Allergen-friendly: It is made with no palm oil or coconut oil.
  3. Fatty Acids: This formula contains essential fatty acids DHA & ARA. Note: it does use fish oil so it is not vegetarian. For a vegetarian goat milk formula, I recommend Kendamil Goat.
  4. Hexane-Free: Jovie doesn’t contain any hexane-extracted products.
  5. Organic & Non-GMO: Produced in the Netherlands, this formula is made with the highest organic standards.
  6. Natural Prebiotics: Similar to breast milk, Jovie contains natural prebiotics which are known to boost your baby’s immune system (source).
  7. No Added Sugars or Preservatives: No corn syrup or glucose syrup, sugars, synthetic preservatives, wheat, soy, maltodextrin, or peanut ingredients. 
  8. Lactose is the Main Ingredient: The main carbohydrate in this formula is lactose, which is also the main carbohydrate in breast milk. 
  9. Nutritious: Contains essential vitamins like folic acid, vitamin D3, vitamin C, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, vitamin A, and vitamin E. 

Important Note: If your child has had an allergic reaction to cow’s milk or cow milk formula, or is completely lactose intolerant, then you likely need a true hypoallergenic formula as goat milk may not work for your child.

The 10 Best Goat Milk Formulas (Details)

The list below describes the 10 best goat milk formulas on the market today and the pros and cons of each! Just click on the product name to my preferred reliable formula distributor.

Jovie Goat Milk Formula

jovie organic goat milk formula

My top pick and a great option for a goat milk formula. See my notes above for a full write-up of why I love Jovie. This formula is made in the Netherlands and is committed to producing high-quality, 100% organic whole goat milk formulas that meet babies’ and toddlers’ nutritional needs. It truly is one of the best baby formula choices you can make for your little one! It comes in 3 stages: Stage 1 is for birth to 6 months, Stage 2 is for 6-12 months of age, and Stage 3 is for age 1+.



Organic & non-GMO ingredients
Made with whole goat milk / full-fat goat milk cream
Made with organic vegetable oils
Allergen-friendly: no palm oil or coconut oil
Easy digestion: can be easier to digest than cow’s milk
Added prebiotics
Organic lactose is the main carbohydrate – no added sugars or corn syrup
No synthetic preservatives
No wheat or soy
No heavy metals
No maltodextrin or peanut ingredients
On the more expensive side
Doesn’t contain probiotics
Not vegetarian (uses fish oil)
Doesn’t have the same whey-to-casein ratio as breastmilk (20:80 instead of 60:40)
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Aussie Bubs Goat Milk Infant Formula

Aussie Bubs Goat Milk Baby Formula Can

Bubs Goat Milk Formula is exclusively formulated for babies aged 0-6 months (Stage 1) and 6-12 months (Stage 2), and their goat milk is sourced from Australian goat dairy farms. The different stages of the formula match the two stages of development – early infancy to later infancy! 

Their formulas include DHA, ARA, and prebiotics to support gentle digestion, making this formula a good option for formula-fed babies with sensitive tummies. The DHA and ARA are also vegetarian-friendly as they are derived from plants instead of fish. Though they are not organic, Aussie Bubs formulas are non-GMO and contain no corn syrup, maltodextrin, growth hormones, artificial sweeteners, chemicals, pesticides, colors, or preservatives. They are also clean-label purity project certified!

Non GMO, clean label project certified
No sugar, glucose, or corn syrup solids added
Vegetarian-friendly DHA & ARA
Formula is made in Australia, but is produced in a US FDA registered and fully company owned facility. Aussie Bubs Toddler formulas are FDA label compliant as well.
Prebiotics added
Two stages to support your growing baby’s needs
Made with full fat goat cream
No synthetic preservatives
No maltodextrin
No wheat or soy oil
No heavy metals
Aussie Bubs Toddler formulas are FDA-label compliant as well
Includes palm oil
Not technically organic
No probiotics
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HiPP Goat Milk Formula

hipp goat milk formula stage 1

HiPP’s Organic Goat Formula is designed to help support your baby’s nutritional needs and to be easy to digest. They offer two stages: stage 1 for birth to 6 months, and stage 2 for 6-12 months. 

The formula is made up of only A2 beta-casein, leaving out any A1 beta-casein products which can be harder to digest. It contains important vitamins such as A, C, and D, as well as DHA. Finally, it is 100% organic and non-GMO.

HiPP is European-made and manufactured in Germany. It exceeds the European Food Safety Authority requirement for organic certification, which are more stringent than the US organic standards.

100% organic and non-GMO
More affordable
Two stages to support your growing baby’s needs
A2 goat milk, supporting gentle digestion
Essential and non-synthetic vitamins and minerals
Contains DHA & ARA
Contains prebiotics
No wheat or soy
No added sugar
No added preservatives
Can be easier to digest than cow’s milk
No maltodextrin
Doesn’t contain probiotics
Contains palm oil
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Kendamil Goat Formula

best goat milk formula - kendamil goat

Formulated especially for infants, with 3 stages to accompany your baby from infancy to toddler years, Kendamil goat milk formula is one of the cleanest goat milk formulas on the market today! Founded in 1962, Kendamil is a UK-based brand that sources only the freshest goat milk from family farms in Britain’s famous Lake District (a UNESCO World Heritage site) and other formula ingredients from local suppliers in Somerset, Kent, and Yorkshire.

Kendamil Goat formula is made with whole A2 milk, containing the short and medium fatty acids naturally found in goat milk that help promote gentle digestion. The whey-to-casein ratio is 60:40, mimicking natural breast milk and further ensuring good digestion. 

Because they use full-fat milk, Kendamil uses less vegetable oils in their formula while still having a nutritious fatty-acid profile. The DHA in Kendamil is cold-extracted meaning that it does not contain any hexane. Furthermore, this formula does not contain palm oil, fish oil, syrup solids, preservatives, or any other additives.

Made with whole, full fat milk
3 stages to support your growing baby’s needs
Contains cold-extracted DHA/ARA (i.e, no hexane extraction)
60:40 whey-to-casein ratio that mimics breast milk
Lactose is the only carbohydrate
100% vegetarian
Easy to digest
Added prebiotics
No palm oil
No wheat or soy
No added sugars
No synthetic preservatives
No maltodextrin or peanut ingredients
No probiotics added
Technically not organic, but is red tractor certified and contains no hormones, GMOs, antibiotics, pesticides
On the more expensive side
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Kabrita USA Goat Milk Formula

kabrita goat milk toddler formula - best protein powders for kids

There are a lot of benefits to Kabrita USA. While it’s technically a toddler formula, Kabrita states that it does meet the nutritional requirements of infant formula, but it’s not FDA approved for use as an infant formula. So if you do choose this for your infant, make sure your pediatrician is comfortable with you using it before you try it out!

Kabrita USA also has a super clean ingredients list, it contains no added sugars, no maltodextrin, no syrup solids, and has the right composition of fatty acids to be gentle for babies’ tummies to digest.  (Note: check out this post on the best baby formulas made in the US if you’re interested in a US-based formula!)

While it does contain palmitic acid, that is not the same as palm oil (more information on that here). Kabrita goat milk toddler formula is also more affordable than Kendamil Goat (Costs $51 for 28oz vs. $59 for 28oz of Kendamil Goat). 

Kabrita is now offering 10% off all orders with the coupon code GENTLEKABRITA!

Moderately priced
No added sugar or syrup solids
Lactose is the only carbohydrate
Mimics the whey-to-casein ratio of breastmilk
Added prebiotics
Contains DHA/ARA
Easy to digest
Certified glyphosate free
Technically a toddler formula (but meets the nutritional requirements of infant formula)
Not organic, but is non-GMO
Does use hexane for extraction, but has no hexane present in the final product
No probiotics added
Contains soy oil and palm oil
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Holle Goat Milk Formula (German)

holle goat baby formula

Holle Organic Goat Goat milk formula can be a good choice for an organic goat milk infant formula, depending on your baby’s needs. They offer four different stages of formula, Holle Goat Stage 1 (0+ months), Stage 2 (6+ months), Stage 3 (10+ months), and Stage 4 (1+ year). 

Even though it’s organic and Demeter certified – the highest organic certification in Europe, this formula doesn’t have a whey-to-casein ratio similar to breast milk, and I have heard from many parents that this formula can constipate babies. Because of this, it may be more constipating than others on this list. 

Holle Organic Goat milk formula is made from premium A2 goat milk, and contains no fish oil or palm oil, making it vegetarian-friendly. Unfortunately, it also contains maltodextrin and it has no prebiotics, probiotics, or ARA added.

Organic, biodynamic, & Demeter Certified.
4 stages of formula to support your growing baby’s needs
No added sugar or syrup solids
Added DHA
No palm oil
Contains maltodextrin
No prebiotics or probiotics added
Does not match the whey-to-casein ratio of breastmilk (may cause constipation in some babies)
On the more expensive side ($65.98 for 28oz of formula)
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Holle Dutch Goat Formula

Holle Dutch Goat Milk Formula Canister

This formula is similar to Holle’s German goat milk formula, but the milk for this formula is sourced from the Netherlands instead of Germany. Similar to the German-sourced Holle variety, this formula is made with 100% organic ingredients and is Demeter certified. It comes in three stages: Stage 1 (0+ months), Stage 2 (6+ months), and Stage 3 (10+ months). 

Holle Dutch Goat is made with A2 milk and is free of added sugars, artificial preservatives, palm oil, and soy. Though it is gluten-free, it does contain maltodextrin and does not have ARA or probiotics.

Organic, biodynamic, and Demeter certified
Made with A2 full cream goat milk powder
3 stages to support your growing baby’s needs
Contains DHA
No palm oil
No added sugar or syrup solids
No soy
On the more expensive side
Contains maltodextrin
No prebiotics or probiotics added
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Kabrita Infant Formula

Kabrita Infant Goat Formula Container

Kabrita goat milk infant formula uses goat milk from Holland and is produced by a formula maker with over 100 years of experience in the dairy industry. Kabrita Goat Milk Formula Stage 1 Infant formula is a nutritionally complete alternative to cow’s milk formulas that contains the gentle goat milk A2 beta-casein protein. 

This formula is free from toxic ingredients, such as corn syrup, GMOs, soy, sugar, artificial sweeteners, or artificial preservatives. It contains DHA, ARA, prebiotics, and Beta-Palmitate, which helps with fatty acid metabolism, explicitly increasing calcium absorption for healthy bone growth. 

For older babies and toddlers, Kabrita has two other stages of formula available: Kabrita Goat Milk Formula Stage 2 & Kabrita Goat Toddler Milk Stage 3.

3 stages to support your growing baby’s needs
Lactose is the only carbohydrate
Contains DHA & ARA
Contains prebiotics
No added sugar, glucose, or corn syrup solids
No maltodextrin
Not organic
On the more expensive side
No probiotics
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Nanny Care Formula

nanny care best goat milk formula

Nanny Care formula is not organic, but it is made with non-GMO ingredients. The milk is sourced from New Zealand, which has higher standards than the US.  It comes in three different stages: Stage 1 (0+ months), Stage 2 (6+ months), and Stage 3 (12+ months). 

This formula does not have soy-based ingredients, maltodextrin, palm oil, or coconut oil. It has added prebiotics, ARA, and DHA. This formula is ranked lower than the others because it doesn’t have a whey-to-casein ratio as close to breast milk and they are not organic.

A2 full cream whole goat milk
3 stages to support your growing baby’s needs
Formulated for infants
No soy
No maltodextrin
No added whey
No wheat or soy
No palm oil or coconut oil
Contains ARA & DHA
Added prebiotics
Not organic (but sourced from New Zealand farms)
The whey-to-casein ratio is not identical to breast milk
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Premibio Goat Formula

Premibio Goat Formula Box

Premibio is a French maker of baby formula and is committed to organic farming, making all of their formulas both organic and non-GMO. Premibio was launched in 2014 as the first organic infant milk made from goat’s milk specially designed to be used from birth. This unique formula paved the way for many global goat-milk-based recipes and brands. 

Their formulation is made with plant-based DHA, whole goat milk, and no syrup solids or soy. They make three stages of formula: Stage 1 (0+ months),  Stage 2 (6+ months), and Stage 3 (12+ months) to support your baby as they grow.

Organic & non-GMO
More affordable
3 stages of formula to support your growing baby’s needs
Plant-based DHA & ALA
A2 full cream whole goat milk
No wheat or soy
No added sugar or syrup solids
No palm oil
Contains maltodextrin
No prebiotics or probiotics
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Runner Up #1: Sammy’s Milk Toddler Formula

sammys milk

They use molasses instead of lactose for the main carbohydrate source which I don’t love since that’s just added sugar. But this brand is free-range and non-GMO. It’s made in the United States, they don’t add palm oil or soy, and they don’t use hexane to extract their DHA. Since it is technically a toddler formula, you should check with your pediatrician before using this formula for your infant.

Free range
No hexane-extracted ingredients
Added DHA
No palm oil
No soy soil
A2 whole goat milk powder
Added prebiotics
Not organic
Has added sugar (in the form of molasses powder)
No probiotics added
Technically a toddler formula (not meant for infants)
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A Note on Loulouka Formula

As of December 2023, the infant goat milk formula Loulouka has been discontinued indefinitely. It was previously a formula that I recommended as an alternative to Jovie or Kabrita, so those two brands can be good options if you were interested in trying Loulouka.

Goat Milk Formula FAQs

Can babies drink goat milk?

No, regular plain goat milk is not safe for babies aged 0-12 months to drink. Regular goat milk is very different than goat milk baby formula, which is modified heavily to be nutritionally appropriate for babies to drink (especially concerning vitamins, salts, and the amount of water). The same goes for regular cow’s milk – babies under 12 months of age should not drink regular cow’s milk, but cow’s milk formula is safe for your baby to drink because it is modified for infant consumption. 
After your baby turns 1, goat milk can be incorporated into their diet.

Is goat’s milk formula safe for babies?

Yes! Any goat’s milk formula that’s made specifically for infants and meets the FDA or European Commission nutritional standards for baby formula should be safe for your baby to drink, as these different government bodies have nutritional limits that formula companies are required to meet before being approved by them. But to be safe and to know for sure, it is always a good idea to check with your pediatrician before changing to or between formulas!

Is goat milk good for milk allergies?

Goat milk may be a good alternative for some infants with milk allergies (source), but can be cross-reactive in babies with severe CMPA. Goat milk’s shorter chain fatty acids, softer curd formation, predominance of A2 milk proteins, and more make it tolerable anywhere from 40 to 100% of people who cannot tolerate cow’s milk.

Can you purchase goat milk formula in the US?

Yes, you most definitely can purchase goat milk formula in the United States. Kendamil Goat Milk Formula and Bubs Stage 1 Goat Milk Formula are both for sale at Target stores. Kabrita USA can be purchased at Whole Foods, Sprouts, and Raley’s. 

Is goat milk formula FDA-approved?

The answer is, it depends on the formula! Right now there is one goat milk formula made in the US, Kabrita, that is authorized by the FDA. Goat milk-based formulas that are made in Europe, Australia, or another country are regulated by either the European Commission (for European baby formulas) or the equivalent regulatory body in the country the formula is produced in. Some of these other countries have even more stringent regulation requirements. 

Additionally, under Operation Fly Formula, the FDA has allowed European brands of infant formula that meet US health and safety standards to be imported into the US. Those formulas aren’t technically “FDA approved,” but they are FDA regulated.

What is the FDA-approved goat milk formula?

The FDA-approved or authorized goat milk formula is Kabrita. It was the first infant formula to be made with goat milk to be approved by the FDA for sale in the United States and was approved in the summer of 2023.

Is goat milk closest to breast milk? What formula is closest to breast milk?

Goat milk has some similarities to breast milk, but overall goat milk and cow milk are much closer to each other than either of them are to breast milk. Goat milk is high in natural prebiotics, similar in protein levels to human breast milk, and it is lower in lactose than breast milk or cow’s milk. However, its whey-to-casein ratio does not match breast milk, and goat milk on its own is not nutritionally complete for infants in the way that breast milk is. This is why both goat and cow milk have to be modified and fortified when they are turned into baby formula, so they can be as close to breast milk as possible.

More Helpful Formula Guides!

Final Thoughts

Overall, goat milk formula can be a great alternative to cow milk-based formula for infants who have difficulty digesting cow milk or who are allergic to it. Goat milk formula is rich in essential nutrients, including vitamins and minerals that are important for an infant’s growth and development. For some infants, it may also be easier to digest than cow milk-based formula. 

However, it is important to remember that not all infants may benefit from it and that the best formula for each baby will be different depending on their individual needs. It’s important to consider all aspects of baby formula before choosing one – including the nutritional content, price, availability, texture, and if your baby likes it when they try it! 

Make sure to consult with your pediatrician before trying any new formula, and remember that ultimately, the most important thing is a happy and healthy (and fed) baby!

I hope this helps you navigate the world of goat milk infant formulas! If you have any questions at all, please leave a comment below – I respond to every single one! 🙂

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158 responses to “The Best Goat Milk Formula (2024 Guide)”

  1. Hi again,

    Kendamil Goat stage 1 is back in stock but I am still deciding between starting my EBF baby on Kendamil Goat stage 1, Jovie or Loulouka goat stage 1. I can’t decide which would be best to supplement. Thank you so much!

    • Hi Alex! I would go with Jovie, I actually think it’s better than Kendamil since it’s organic and is way easier to purchase (there is more stock of it!) If you’re looking for a more affordable option, Loulouka Goat is my second runner up to Jovie and is more affordable for sure. Hope that helps!

  2. Have you heard of Jovie goat milk formula? I have Kendamil Goat stage 1 but having a hard time finding it so I was suggested to try Jovie? My baby is breastfed but looking to combo feed at 6m.

    • Hi Alex! I have heard of Jovie and it’s great! I would feel comfortable using it for my kids if they were still on formula. I’m working on an update to this post that includes Jovie and also a separate post about Jovie that goes into detail about its benefits so stay tuned for that! But in the meantime, I think it’s definitely a fine alternative to Kendamil Goat. Hope that helps!

  3. Kabrita is great stuff! Our daughter struggled on cow’s milk based formula and we gradually switched her to Kabrita (always talk to your doctor first!) and she did so much better on it. Anybody who wants to find out why we picked Kabrita can read our story over here: I’m so glad to see Kabrita on your list. Our daughter was adopted as an infant and I wasn’t able to breastfeed her, so she had to be on formula. She had a hard time on cow’s milk-based formula, so we gradually moved her to Kabrita (always consult your doctor, as we did!). When I had any questions I was able to reach out to the people at Kabrita, and found them to be very helpful. You can read our formula story here:

  4. Going to start some formula and wondering if I should try goat instead of cow because it is easier to digest. He is EBF so I don’t know if he has gut issues or allerigies. I am lactose intolerant myself. Should I try organic cow milk formula first to see? Or should I try organic goat milkformuka right away?

    • Hi Jaimie! Honestly it’s just personal preference!! Goat is easier for some babies to digest but not for all babies. So it might be worth starting with cow’s milk formula if you’re not concerned about allergies, and switch to goat if he doesn’t do well on cow milk formula! When you do transition to formula (no matter which one you pick) make sure to do it slowly, over a period of 1-2 weeks – so it doesn’t “shock” your baby’s system. Hope that helps!

      • Hello I have a question when you say transition baby 1-2 weeks so it doesn’t shock him what do you mean by that ? Do you recommend a certain ounce at a time or a certain amount of bottles at a time? Thank you

      • Hi Carmina! I mean like if you are doing 5 6oz bottles a day, on the first day, you probably only want to add 1 oz of the new formula into each bottle + 5oz of the old formula; the next day 2oz new + 4oz old, the next day 3oz new + 3oz old, etc. — that’s if you were doing it over 1 week. If you were doing it over 2 weeks, then you’d increase by 1/2 oz increments in each bottle each day. Hope that helps!

  5. I started using little oak. Thanks to the mamma that posted about it. It’s much little than holle and seems more digestible for my guy. The company has great customer service abs arrives in a few days. Great option so thank you for this!

  6. Are you saying that Kabrita doesn’t have glucose syrup solids, taurine, and l-carnitine? Because it does. I’m looking at their infant formula right now and it has all 3 of the things you said to look for that we shouldn’t want them to have. So, I’m confused now by this entire blog.

    • Hi there! This blog post is about Kabrita USA – the toddler formula that also meets infant nutritional requirements. I actually do not recommend Kabrita’s Infant Formula (which is available in the EU but is a completely different product – and that’s the formula you are thinking of). Kabrita USA has no glucose syrup solids or synthetic ingredients. Hope that helps clarify things!

      • Hi there!
        I see l-carnitine and taurine in the Kendamil goat ingredients, which is the formula you recommend highly. Are those not concerning? (Also saw tryptophan(?))

      • Hi Erin! Kendamil does have those nutrients but they are not extracted using solvents, which is the main reason why I don’t recommend those synthetic versions of those nutrients in formula. Since Kendamil has a natural extraction process I don’t see it as a major issue in their formula. Hope that helps!

    • Hi Jenay! I know a lot of parents who use KabritaUSA for their babies before they turn 12 months of age (with their pediatrician’s approval of course!) That said, if your pediatrician isn’t comfortable using KabritaUSA for your infant, then I would go with Holle Goat. Hope that helps!

  7. If my baby does have mthfr should I be supplementing folate if she is only getting formula with folic acid? What do you think of the formula called little oak?

    • Hi Marin! Regarding supplementing with folate if the formula has folic acid, it depends on what type of MTHFR mutation your baby has. I would speak with your pediatrician about how severe her mutation is and whether it requires separate folate supplementation (or avoidance of formulas that contain folic acid). I have heard of Little Oak Goat Milk formula but I don’t know much about them (I haven’t spoken to the founders or anything like that!) From what I can see on their website, they’re non GMO and made with New Zealand milk but not certified organic (which could be because they’re using non US based milk). They have a few synthetic ingredients (e.g. L-Carnitine) – but if those are not extracted using solvents they may be fine. Overall I’d say it ranks similarly to Holle Goat! Hope that helps!

      • Hi! Sure thing! Little Oak Formula is actually really high quality – I hadn’t heard of them before you reached out, but I’ll be adding them to this post soon! I’d place them right after Loulouka and right above Kabrita on the list, mainly because they are not certified organic even though many of the farms they work with use organic farming practices, and the rest of their ingredients look great. Hope that helps! Let me know if you have any other questions!

  8. Hi, all this information is so helpful, thank you for that! I am using Holle goat formula which I brought from Europe, but since we live in Asia it’s really hard to find good formula here and I am running out . I found DG goat formula from New Zeland that’s available here but I can’t see much information online. Have you heard of it?
    Thank you!

    • Hi Monika! Thanks so much for reaching out to me! Unfortunately, I haven’t heard of DG Goat Milk Formula! But if you want to email me a photo of the ingredients list (to – I’d be happy to take a look!

  9. Hi!
    I was wanting to try this for randomly supplementing my exclusively breastfed 7 month old. (I don’t produce a lot of extra for pumping).
    Do you know if babies usually do ok with random bottles of this formula?
    Do you know how long the formula is good for once opened?

    • Hi Jessica! Every baby is different, so I can’t speak to how your baby will do on it. I know lots of moms who have used Kabrita successfully during the first 12 months of life to supplement (or as their baby’s primary source of nutrition). If your pediatrician is supportive of you using Kabrita to supplement, then it’s worth just trying it out to see how your baby does — trial and error with baby formula is typically the best way to figure out whether a particular formula suits your baby. The formula is good for 1 month after the can is opened!

  10. I also had another question have you heard about bambinchen? How does that compare to these other goat milk formulas?

    • Hi Brenda! I don’t know too much about Bambinchen but I looked at their website and the ingredients in their formula look good (and clean!) They aren’t organic, so I’d say they are probably comparable to Kabrita! Hope that helps!

    • Hi Chelsea! Thanks for reaching out! So yes, now all EU formula including Holle, Holle Goat and Lebenswert all have DHA added per the new EU guidelines – I have updated this post to indicate that. But Holle, Holle Goat and Leb don’t have prebiotics added. Also, HiPP always had DHA and prebiotics so that is not a change (they continue to have both). Hope that helps clarify!

  11. Hi,
    Thank you so much for this post! I’m wondering how to know how to measure the formula to water ratio if I decide to use the Kabrita Toddler formula for my 4 month old. Can I simply follow the instructions on the can? Or do I need to modify for age/weight?
    Thank you!

    • Hi Amy! You should be able to just follow the instructions on the can for Kabrita! I would verify with your pediatrician that your baby doesn’t need a different ratio for any health reasons just to double check though!

  12. My son has had reflux pretty badly. We tried A.R. formulas, soy, and hypoallergenic with no luck. We were given a box of Holle organic goats milk stage 1 and the spit up improved tremendously! However when we ordered the products again, we were given Holle Bio. My son did not tolerate this and his spit up was back to where he started. I emailed the companies and they told me they are the same thing. Is there another formula that is the same as the Holle Organic? Do you know if there is a difference to know what we should avoid? Thank you!

    • Hi Jess! There are multiple types of Holle Formulas: There is Holle Organic Goat Stage 1, Holle Organic Bio Stage 1 (which is a cow’s milk formula), and Holle Organic Bio PRE (which is a cow’s milk formula but is slightly more gentle than Stage 1). All 3 of these formulas are different! I’m not sure who you ordered from, but I would contact them to clarify that you ordered Holle Organic Goat Stage 1 and that Holle Organic Bio Stage 1 is not a goat milk formula. I hope that helps!

  13. Hi Anjali,
    My daughter (8wks) has a cmpi and acid reflux.
    We just switched to Kabrita USA from baby’s only organic lactorelief because she was having lots of gas and mucus in her stools and that has improved immediately. But the thin Kabrita formula is making her acid reflux worse. Would you recommend thickening it with gelmix? Do you know if Nanny care formula is as thin as Kabrita?

    • Hi Alex! Honestly I don’t have much experience or knowledge about gelmix so I’m not sure if that is a good solution to make Kabrita thicker. I would ask your pediatrician that question! You might want to try HiPP AR which is a formula specifically designed for reflux and is definitely thicker than Kabrita. To my knowledge, all the goat milk formulas are approximately the same “thickness” since none of them have added starches or ingredients to make them thicker — but I haven’t tried NannyCare so can’t speak to that formula specifically!

      • Hi Anjali, thanks for the reply!
        It was my understanding that Hipp AR is not hypoallergenic. Is that correct?

      • Hi Alex! Yes that is true – HiPP AR is not hypoallergenic (it doesn’t have hydrolyzed milk proteins or modified lactose/fats). It is designed primarily for reflux but I’m not sure how a baby with a lactose sensitivity would respond to it. You could ask your pediatrician which issue (the reflux or the digestive issues) is more important and which one to prioritize formula wise to help you figure it out! Have you considered trying HiPP HA? That is meant for lactose/dairy allergies – and it might be worth a shot if you can’t use HiPP AR!

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