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Hello! I’m Anjali. I’m a board certified health coach, author, wife, mom and food lover from the SF Bay area (now living in Seattle, WA!); with a passion for delicious food and a desire to make healthy eating easy, tasty and fun! Learn more about me here and stay for a while!

Anjali Shah

Nut Butter and Banana Stackers (An Easy, Healthy Toddler Meal!)

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nut butter and banana stackers toddler meal

I remember when Layla was about 1 year old, I was trying to find ways to make her lunch more fun and interesting while still keeping it really easy for me to make (and not time intensive). When I first introduced Layla to bread, I immediately gave her Ezekiel Sprouted Flax Bread for a couple reasons:

  1. I wanted her to get used to eating super hearty, not-sweet-at-all, sprouted grain bread. I figured if that was the only bread she knew, she wouldn’t crave less healthy bread (like regular wheat bread sold at the grocery store, which looks healthy but actually spikes your blood sugar almost as much as white bread does!) My theory turned out to be true – even to this day she asks for her Sprouted Bread for lunch!
  2. Sprouted bread acts like a lentil or a bean in your body – so it gives you more energy, fiber and protein than regular bread would (1 slice of Ezekiel Flax Bread has 80 calories, 4g Fiber and 5g protein).

But her peanut butter sandwiches often ended up kind of messy – because they were too big for her little hands to hold without the peanut butter getting all over her hands. And I couldn’t add anything to the sandwich (fruit, banana, etc) for the same reason!

So I created: Nut Butter & Banana Stackers. 

It’s essentially a deconstructed PB&B sandwich! It is cut into squares that can be stabbed with a fork – easy for little hands to manage. It takes literally 5 minutes to make, and ends up being a filling and healthy lunch for your little one, especially when served with some steamed veggies on the side. Layla loves eating this with a side of steamed broccoli topped with olive oil and salt!

You can make different versions of this using different nut butters and fruit, or hummus and cucumbers, or cheese and tomatoes, or any protein/veggie combo you like. You can even make it gluten-free by using gluten-free bread. And even though it’s for kids, it’s a pretty fun lunch for adults too ????

The recipe for these nut butter stackers is below! You can find over 150 more recipes just like this in my new book: The Super Easy Baby Food Cookbook – which is available for Pre-Order on Amazon now! 🙂 Pick up a copy and let me know how your little one likes the recipes!

nut butter and banana stackers toddler meal

nut butter and banana stackers. a healthy toddler meal. quick easy healthy recipes, healthy food for picky eaters kids, healthy delicious food recipes, healthy meal ideas for kids, healthy

22 responses to “Nut Butter and Banana Stackers (An Easy, Healthy Toddler Meal!)”

    • Absolutely! You might have to pack it more like a closed PB banana sandwich cubes vs. the open faced sandwich squares I have here, just because the open faced sandwich probably will get really messy in your child’s lunchbox since it likely won’t stay upright and in one location before lunch! 🙂 Hope that helps!

  1. Hi Anjali,

    Love your blog!
    I have an 18 month old who has never eaten gluten or grains of any kind up until this point. He was exposed to dairy through formula when it was necessary to supplement, but after that he has only had non-dairy milks and has never eaten cheese or yogurt.
    I always thought that was best for him as I have many food sensitivities (no allergies) related to auto-immune issues and don’t digest grains, gluten or dairy well.
    I just figured since he doesn’t nutritionally need those foods, it was better to wait until 3+ to introduce some grains and dairy but never gluten. The only food group I see as having some benefit in terms of nutrition is cheese/yogurt, but he does get the necessary things through other very nutrient-dense foods.
    Do you have any thoughts on whether there is a benefit to introducing gluten or grains even if they are not necessary?
    He is not lacking in his diet, I am just starting to wonder if restricting foods that do cause digestive issues for many is actually more harmful in the end? I just have a really hard time with the thought of feeding my child gluten just to expose him to the protein even though it offers no nutritional benefit.

    • Hi Tara! Thanks so much for reaching out! To your question – you don’t have to introduce gluten to your son, since there are plenty of nutrient rich gluten free grains like oatmeal, buckwheat, millet, and quinoa. But if your son doesn’t have a gluten sensitivity like you do – it might be worth introducing him to gluten just so he doesn’t develop a sensitivity later on. I’d talk to your pediatrician about this as well – to see whether some minimal exposure might be beneficial – because I’m not an allergy expert by any means! But my perspective would be to make sure you’re not giving him “gluten free” packaged foods because those are often super refined and processed and not healthy at all; and to give him gluten-free whole grains like oatmeal (etc) instead. Along with that, if your pediatrician approves, I’d just expose him to gluten a few times via sprouted wheat bread like Ezekiel – just so he doesn’t develop a sensitivity to it later on, as long as he doesn’t already have one right now. Also on the non dairy milks – those are often very processed and have thickeners / stabilizers added, and some have added sugar as well – so I’d be careful about those with your son too! Hope that helps, let me know if you have any other questions!

  2. These are delightful little bites for a toddler. Ideal for an easy lunch and lots of goodness too.

    • Haha I know right?? I end up making this for my daughter and then eating it myself! 😂

  3. These are bound to be a hit with kids (and grown up kids too). Nice and quick, healthy bite sized treats like this can’t be beaten.

    • Definitely! And there are so many variations you can make with it, kids tend to not get bored of it!

  4. This sounds like the perfect meal or snack for my picky toddler. I’m excited to try it! Thanks for the recipe.

    • Absolutely!! This would be perfect for a quick breakfast, lunch or a healthy dessert as well! 🙂 I’m sure you’ll love this recipe!

  5. Butter + banana = so good 😀
    Besides healthy, these look very tasty!
    My wife made this and loved it! Your blog is very good!

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