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Hello! I’m Anjali. I’m a board certified health coach, author, wife, mom and food lover from the SF Bay area (now living in Seattle, WA!); with a passion for delicious food and a desire to make healthy eating easy, tasty and fun! Learn more about me here and stay for a while!

Anjali Shah

Itty Bitty News

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There have been some strange things happening in The Picky Eater’s kitchen lately…

Like when I went to the grocery store, and came back with this


And for weeks, all I wanted was this

amys pizza

Or this, which also sounded delicious


And why did my breakfasts go from fruit-filled-oatmeal-bowls to this?


And when did this become my drink of choice?


More importantly, where are all the veggies????

Have I totally fallen off my healthy eating wagon?



… might my itty bitty news be about something else? 🙂


The husband and I couldn’t be more excited, the newest addition to The Picky Eater family arrives in January 2014!!


I’m almost 21 weeks along now, and other than the very random non-picky-eater-first-trimester-diet (thank you nausea!) I’m back to my veggie-eating ways and feeling pretty good 🙂

And, the husband and I just found out some other good news….


The husband and I are so excited to share this with all of you — we can’t wait to embark on this next chapter of our lives!! 🙂

92 responses to “Itty Bitty News”

  1. Aww, congratulations to you both! 😀 Princess Picky Eater!
    Look forward to read about all your cravings and how you satisfy them (although the pictures in this post gives a clue) 😀

    • Aw thanks Michelle! And yes! I’m sure I’ll be doing a post about cravings soon 🙂 The first trimester my strategy was just to listen to my body and to eat whatever felt good. Between the fatigue and nausea I couldn’t expect much more of myself! It’s been much easier now that I’m over the 12 week mark!

    • Haha thanks Mona!! And yes! I’ve already started feeling her little kicks and moving around – so amazingly cool!!

  2. Congrats!! I had a feeling this was coming 😉
    Very happy for you and your husband, embarking on a new set of adventures!

    • That’s amazing! How did you know Anna? 😉 Thanks so much for your well wishes! We are very excited!

  3. Wonderful news! And I love that women’s pregnant bodies are now revealed in all their glory, no longer covered up with fussy maternity smocks.

    • Thanks Yvonne! And yes!! Absolutely. I totally agree with you – pregnancy is something to be celebrated, not hidden!

  4. This has to be the best pregnancy announcement i have ever seen, LOVE It!!! and hilarious about the unhealthy ice cream pics hahaha. Congratulations!!!!! My son was a New Years baby;) Jan is a great month! wishing you all the best for a H & H rest of pregnancy!

    • Awwww thank you so much Nina!! That is so cool that your son was born on New Years!! What an amazing way to start the year 🙂 Thanks again for all the well wishes!!

  5. Congratulations! A little girl, how wonderful! And Jan is such a nice time to have a baby, gives you something to look forward to after the holidays. You look fabulous!

    • Hehe thanks so much Emily!! We are super excited for our daughter to join us in January – it’s just so nice to finally know the gender! Makes it feel more real 🙂

  6. Congratulations! So so exciting. And wow, if that’s what cravings look like, I’m in BIG trouble if I ever get pregnant. 🙂

    You look amazing. I hope it’s been smooth thus far.

    • Awww thanks so much Jenn!! Other than the nausea from week 5-11 it has been pretty smooth! And yeah haha the food preferences/cravings were realllly interesting. For me they were almost 100% driven by what would make me the least sick (veggies literally were nauseating!) It was a nice relief to have the nausea dissipate after week 11(ish) so I could feel more back to normal again!

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