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Hello! I’m Anjali. I’m a board certified health coach, author, wife, mom and food lover from the SF Bay area (now living in Seattle, WA!); with a passion for delicious food and a desire to make healthy eating easy, tasty and fun! Learn more about me here and stay for a while!

Anjali Shah


I love hearing from my readers!

And I’m now offering 1:1 calls to help you answer all of your questions related to:

  • How to Choose the Best Baby Formula for Your Baby (feel free to join my free private Facebook group as well, where I personally answer all baby formula related questions within 48 hours!)
  • How to Find the Best Supplements to Meet Your Child’s Needs
  • How to Choose the Right Vitamins for Your Own Health and Immunity
  • How to Overcome Picky Eating in your Children
  • How to Transform Your Health, lose the baby weight, and get your energy back!

If you have questions or need advice about any of these topics, book a time with me here!

If you are interested in partnership or advertising opportunities with The Picky Eater, and for all other questions, you can contact me using the form below, or send me an email at

General Contact

14 responses to “Contact”

  1. I never heard about you until I saw a ad on Facebook about a few months ago about choosing healthy peanut butters or nut butters. Since then, I have been following and reading your website for a while now. I absolutely love your content you provide.

    • Awww thank you so much Courtney! I really appreciate that and I’m so glad you’ve been enjoying my blog!

  2. Hi, I saw that for adults you recommend multiple vitamins a day. Is that safe for a 4 year old? I give him the Olly Multi and probiotic (full dose), Lil Critter Immune C (half dose), Lil Critter Calcium + D3 (half dose), Lil Critter Omega 3 DHA (full dose), and I also give him a half dose of a liquid iron you had on your list but I can’t remember the name. The reason I did half dose on some is because they all have Vitamin D so I didn’t want him to have too much of that. Is this a safe regimen for my 4 year old? He is EXTREMELY picky and has some behavioral and attention issues (we are getting him tested to see exactly what it is, we ruled out autism and think it is ADHD but we are finishing some other tests to be sure). I was also wondering what your thoughts on the First Day vitamins were. TIA

    • Hi Meli! I wouldn’t recommend double dosing 4 year olds on any vitamins (even at a half dose of the additional vitamins) unless your pediatrician signs off on it. Mainly because a multivitamin already has the daily amount a 4 year old needs, whereas adults are usually much more deficient in vitamins and can easily go above the 100% daily value for water soluble vitamins with no issues. I think it’s fine to continue giving him the Olly Multi + Probiotic, and instead of the Lil Critter DHA (which has a few other vitamins added), I’d recommend the Nordic Naturals DHA, which is mainly DHA with a little Vitamin A. First Day is a good choice for kids who are already really good eaters, as it provides only the gap between the vitamins a child will get from a well balanced diet and the total amount of vitamins a child will need each day (not the full amount of vitamins kids need every day). If your son is a picky eater, a higher dose supplement like Olly might be a better fit for him! Hope that helps!

  3. Help! I am a searching for answers for my second babe who is 12 weeks. We had him on HIPP 1, but he was so uncomfortable, so doc suggested switching to HA. During the shipping period, I used Alimentum as an alternative option. When the Hipp HA arrived, I switched him to that and he is still uncomfortable. When he was on alimentum (premade) he was so much better. Should I try Hipp Comfort next? I do not want to give him Alimentum anymore than I’d have to. Desperate for help! Thank you

    • Hi Cate! Yes I’d recommend switching to HiPP Comfort, since it’s the closest European formula to Alimentum that’s available. I would do a very slow transition to HiPP Comfort from Alimentum though — gradually introduce it mixed with Alimentum in increasing amounts over two weeks so that it’s not a “shock” to his system. I’m so sorry he is struggling! I hope HiPP Comfort works for you guys! Keep me posted on how it goes!

  4. Hola! I’ve been reading your website for a while now and finally got the courage to
    go ahead and give you a shout out from Huffman Tx! Just wanted to tell you keep up the good job!

    • Hi Jan! According to Baby’s Only — their formula can be used for infants. But I would just double check with your pediatrician to make sure they are ok with it! Hope that helps!

      • I have been using baby’s only on my daughter. Started at 6 mos as supplement and 9 mos exclusive. She is 2 1/2 and ahead of her curve in height and intelligence. She is also very healthy. Please don’t be worried about this formula for babies. It is superior to so many others. I have read the “reasons” and done the research as to why they state that on their site/containers and it seems legit. I can’t recommend it enough. Best of luck!

      • So glad to hear you’ve had such a good experience! That has been my thought as well, but I still encourage parents to talk to their pediatricians when using the formula for babies <12 months just because it technically is a toddler formula. That said, I would have used it for my kids when they were under 12 months of age because of all the reasons you mentioned!

  5. Hi, your site looks great and the recipes delicious! Could you add me to your mailing list to receive the blogs? Thanks 🙂

    • Thanks so much Gillian! I just added you to my mailing list and my newsletter. Just be sure to accept the email confirmation from FeedBurner and you will be all set!

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